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"Congratulations Ripley Bell! You have been selected to represent team USA in the International Junior Goodwill Games. If you are willing to accept the offer, please reach out to us as soon as possible at-"

Ripley sighed, putting the letter she had received over a year ago back onto her desk. As she laid the letter down, her eyes panned to the left of it, showcasing the letter she had received mere months ago, offering her a scholarship to play for Eden Hall Academy's Junior Varsity team.

She picked up that invitation, reading it over for the millionth time that week, and holding it tight to her chest.

"I'm so proud of you." Ripley spun around, the sudden sound of her mothers voice ripping her out of her daydreams. "I really am, Rip. I am so proud of the woman you're becoming. I'm gonna miss you, baby."

Her mother stepped forward, pulling her daughter into a tight embrace, before pulling away and tucking a stray hair behind Ripley's ear.

"I know you're nervous, but don't be. You're the best hockey player I've ever seen and Eden Hall is going to open so many doors for you."

"Thanks, mom." Ripley said, pulling away from her mothers form, and stepping back to sit on her bed. "I'm still confused why they're offering me a scholarship."

Her mothers brows furrowed, "Did you miss the part about me telling you you're the best hockey player I've ever-"

"Yeah, yeah." She said, giggling at her mother. "Whatever you say. This is definitely going to be a big change."

Ripley held up the letter again, her eyes glancing over the congratulations and amount offered once again.

"You deserve this, Rip." Her mother repeated. "Anyone that has seen you play knows that."

Ripley smiled at her mothers kind words, "Thanks, mom. I'm really gonna miss you and dad."

"We're gonna miss you too. But you know we'll always just be a phone call away." Her mother said again, heading to the doorway. "Now pack little lady, our flight leaves tomorrow and we have got a big day ahead of us between touring Eden Hall and checking you into your dorm."

And with that, Ripley was left by herself, once again glancing over the acceptance letter. This time, with a confident smile etched on her face.


When Mr. Tibbles was scouting for new recruits for the USA's junior hockey team, Ripley Bell was one of the first he reached out to. He had sent multiple letters, without reply, and had even made a guest appearance at one of her hockey games to present the offer in person.

Ripley, unfortunately, turned down the offer. Her team had a big chance that year to win Nationals, and it didn't feel right to leave them on such short notice. She was torn at first, knowing that representing the US in such a high profile event would be sure to get her name out there. But despite her indecisiveness, she knew she would someday get another offer for something equally as amazing.

And boy was she right.

Her decision turned out for the better, considering her team did end up making it to Nationals, and subsequently winning it as well. Her coach contributed the win to Ripley's staggering skill, but she knew it was due to the teamwork her and her friends shared. Her loyalty to team had worked out in her favor. Yet, as time progressed, she yearned for something bigger.

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