ch 4, troubles ahead

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"Who knew I'd look so pretty in this preppy little uniform." Ripley said, staring into her locker mirror as she pulled some stray hairs out of her ponytail, framing her face.

"Who said you looked pretty." Adam teased, smiling as he looked down at the girl in front of him.

"Myself. I know I'm pretty Banksie, no need to put me down because you're insecure." Ripley replied, winking, as she shut her locker door.

"Whatever you say, Ducky." Adam smiled at her, as they began to make their way to their next class, which they conveniently had together.

"Ducky?" Ripley questioned, an amused smile tugging at her lips.

Adam smiled, his eyes trained on the hallway ahead as they kept walking. "Yeah, Ducky. You know, you're blonde, and small, and every time you talk all I hear is quacking."

"Very funny." She said, shoving the boy lightly, "Ya know, if anything I should be calling you Ducky. I mean you're blonde, and an actual Duck."

"No, no, no." He started, now looking at the girl as they walked, "You're like a rubber duck. Not quite an actual  Duck, but still cute and the actual Ducks love you nonetheless."

"You think I'm cute? That's weird considering you just put me down, what? Thirty seconds ago?" Ripley smiled back.

"You're cute in like a rubber duck kind of way." Adam replied.

Ripley shrugged her shoulders, "I guess I can live with that. Rubber ducks are pretty cute."

They walked in comfortable silence for the last couple seconds before walking into their classroom.

Walking to their two shared classes had become somewhat of a ritual for the two after a couple days.

Adam would wait at Ripley's locker, since it was on the way of course, so they could walk to third period together. After that class, they'd stop at Ripley's locker again so the boy could steal any snacks or gum she had hidden, and then they'd walk to their fourth period together.

Ripley enjoyed Adam's company, as he was charming and funny and seemed to be a genuine friend to her. They spent a lot of time talking during passing periods, and before and after practice, so she wasn't surprised when they both started to develop a benevolent friendship.

After third period, they repeated their daily ritual of Adam stealing Ripley's gum and then headed to their second shared class together. Ripley always looked forward to fourth period, considering she loved English and writing and she was fortunate enough to sit close to Adam.

Although, towards the end of fourth period, Ripley had noticed Adam's demeanor change. He looked deep in thought and he had an anxious and somewhat worried look on his face.

While the teacher wasn't looking, Ripley nudged Adam's leg to get his attention. He stirred and looked at the girl, "Are you okay?" She mouthed to him.

He nodded his head and mouthed back, "We'll talk after class."

She smiled and turned her attention back to the lesson.


After class had ended she waited for Adam to collect his belongings so they could walk out together like they always did. As he did, she finally asked, "So, what's up Banksie?"

He shrugged, gathering his belongings in his hand, "Nothing really, just a little bit nervous about the roster. Ya know, where I'm gonna be playing this year."

She nodded, unsure if she should tell him about her and Orion's shared words days before, but she decided against it. "I wouldn't worry if I were you, you're one of the best players on the team. I'm sure nothing is really gonna change for you."

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