ch 3, new beginning

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"So, you've been playing hockey since you were five years old?" Connie said, gazing upon Ripley as she laid another pretzel into her mouth. "That must be crazy, right? Spending all those years playing hockey."

She shrugged her shoulders, casually answering, "Kinda, I guess. I don't know. My dad grew up playing hockey just like I did, so it was inevitable that I ended up starting so young. I always enjoyed hockey though, especially when my Dad was around. He was always super supportive of me. How long have you guys been playing hockey."

"I've been playing goalie since I was ten," Julie started, "But I had been playing hockey for two years before that, so I guess, around eight years?"

"And all of the O.G Ducks have been playing since we were twelve, we all started a year before Bombay showed up and saved us."

"Well except for Banksie," Guy finished, "He's been playing since he was super young."

Ripley looked over at Adam now, who was already looking back at her, watching her intently as she answered all the Ducks questions. Adam finally replied, "Yeah, I've been playing since I was probably six, and I joined my old team, the Hawks, when I was seven."

"Cool." Ripley said, matter-of-factly, "You guys are really good for only playing for a couple of years."

They all muttered in appreciation at the girls kind words.

Even though they had just met Ripley the previous afternoon, they all really enjoyed her presence. She was very humble in her skill, and made an effort to not rub her talent in their faces, even though they all knew she had every right. The girls especially liked the new girl, considering for the last couple of years it had been an absolute sausage party, especially for Connie.

Ripley seemed to fit right in with the group of adolescents, and they all were excited to see how well the team would do this year with such a talented, and genuinely kind girl to help them out throughout the season.

As her teammates continued asking her questions about her home city, her previous team, and certain skills she possessed, they all continued to eat and laugh, thinking to themselves that maybe Eden Hall wouldn't be so bad after all.

That was until a group of much taller boys in red varsity jackets began making their way over to the group.

Ripley hadn't noticed them at first, as the varsity players began to saunter their way across the lunch room, but the Ducks sure as hell did.

"What do they want." Charlie said harshly, placing his sandwich onto the table they were all crowded around.

Goldberg replied, "I don't know, but it can't be good."

Ripley was slightly confused, considering she was definitely out of the loop and had no idea why the Ducks were getting agitated at the sight of these older boys walking towards them.

She watched as they got even closer, now noticing that they were, in fact, coming over to their lunch table.

"Well hello," One of the boys said, walking around the table, looking at Ripley, "I don't believe we have met. My name is Rick."

The boy stuck out his hand, and Ripley grabbed it firmly and shook it with a smile, "Hi, I'm Riley."

Her friends around the table looked at each other in confusion, wondering why the girl was getting especially friendly treatment when all of them were berated and shat on by the varsity players.

"It's nice to meet you, Ripley. This is Cole and Skooter." The boy said, gesturing to a blonde and brunette behind him. "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" The boy, presumably Rick, leaning down to scoot Kenny out of his seat, who had been previously sitting next to her.

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