75-XOXO, Lovey

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@StormieLynchr5 Over the moon that I get to be a "Lovey" again, this time to Ross and Kailey's sweet baby girl

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@StormieLynchr5 Over the moon that I get to be a "Lovey" again, this time to Ross and Kailey's sweet baby girl. Can't believe her arrival will be soon. I had the best time getting to celebrate Ross and Kailey at the baby shower! 💕💕 XOXO Lovey
Tagged: @Ross_Lynch @KaileyGLynch
@KaileyGLynch Oh my goodness...you are going to make me cry. I just know that baby girl is going to be so lucky to have you as a Lovey! 🥰
@user1 This is the cutest thing ever
@RydelLynch My mama is the cutest!! ❤️
@RockyLynch ^ don't you mean "Our Mama" 👀
@user2 Rocky and his sarcastic comments kill me 😂😂😂
@Aubrey.Lynch Awww you are the best Lovey. 💛
@user3 This family is straight up GOALS I tell ya 😌😍
@Ross_Lynch Kailey and I are so excited for you to become a "Lovey" again. We just know baby girl is going to be so loved by you and Pops! ❤️😍
@MegStyles You are adorable in your sweatshirt! 🥰
@StormieLynchr5 Awww thank you! You are such a great party planner. We love you and Harry both so much!! 💕
@user4 OMG Meg and Harry planned this baby shower...that is the cutest thing. 💙

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