41-The Article

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The L Sisters
Aubrey💛: Hi my sweet, beautiful sisters. Did you see the article that "Hot off the Presses Gossip put out?
Rydel💕: Hi! Ohh yes I saw it. I can't believe that they have already created so many about us/our family.
Jenna🌷: Howdy girls. I saw those. Shew thank goodness that they haven't got a hold of Rocky and I yet.
Kailey💋: Y'all....nobody is safe. I couldn't believe that they had already published one about Ross and I. 🙃
Hayley💅🏻:^ You are so right. They published an article about Ryland and I's wedding coming up. 😱
Rydel💕: Capron and I weren't safe either they said we were a "YouTube love story"...😳
Aubrey💛: They haven't made any about me or Riker but I'm sure they are coming. They might freak out seeing pictures of my babies in the snow and say "they are too young to be out there." 🙄
Kailey💋:They probably would not gonna lie. Since they were calling Ross and I out about children they might do it to the rest of y'all.
Jenna🌷:Poor Dani and Ellington. That article was supposed to be about their cute little house,but nope they snuck in shady stuff about us. Kailey makes a fair point, they might start saying that about Rocky and I too and we aren't even married.
Hayley💅🏻:Well hell I ain't married yet but I'm sure that'll be the next article about me.
Rydel💕: I forget some of you girls are southern. I love when "y'all" throw in crazy sayings 😂
Aubrey💛: 💀💀 Rydel I can't with you 😂😂
Kailey💋: Ross and I have already talked about when we wanted to start a family anyways. I just hope that that article hasn't put any pressure on him though.
Jenna🌷: Awwwww that's so sweet. I'm sure Ross hasn't even thought about that article. With him and Rocky being busy in the studio they probably haven't even seen them to be honest.
Rydel💕: That is really sweet 🥺. Same as what Jenna said, you know Ross will always be there for you and make sure you are the one not under any pressure.
Hayley💅🏻: Y'all have got me all up in my feels right now 🥺❤️
Aubrey💛:You girls are already the best aunts to Emmary and Cru, so I know that whenever you do decide to have a baby y'all will be the best mamas ever!

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