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The boy's feet pounded the slick pavement as he sprinted down the narrow alley. Fat raindrops pelted him, soaking his clothes and hair, but he didn't slow down. 

Grasping the wrought iron fence, he flung open the gate and rushed up the walkway to the looming house. His heart hammered against his ribs as he scrambled up the steps and banged on the heavy wooden door.

After what felt like an eternity, it finally creaked open. A young lady peered out, her ruby-red lips curled upward. She was hauntingly beautiful, with long raven hair cascading over her bare shoulders. Her cat-like eyes were rimmed with thick mascara, her porcelain skin glowing dimly. 

"What do you want, Jimin?" the woman sighed, feigning concern. "It's late. You're only 18. Wandering around alone is dangerous."

"I'm sorry for bothering you," Jimin said earnestly. "But is he home?"

The woman's red lips pressed into a thin line, her cat-like eyes flashing with irritation at the question, Jimin knew the woman wasn't happy to see him standing at her door so late. But he had to ask anyway.

"No, he's spending the day at his grandfather's house," she replied sharply.

Before Jimin could get another word out, she firmly shut the door in his face.

Jimin stood stunned on the front stoop as tears filled his eyes. his best friend had promised he was coming here after school. He'd never broken a promise to Jimin before. 

Time ticked by agonizingly as Jimin searched in vain for him. He called his grandfather but he wasn't there either. Jimin ran through the dark, rain-soaked streets yelling his friend's name like a madman until his voice was hoarse, but found nothing.

Exhausted and defeated, Jimin fell to his knees, tears mixing with the rain running down his face. Suddenly everything went white. Disoriented, he blinked open his eyes to find himself somewhere new - a busy city intersection.

'what's happening" he questioned, horrified as he looked around him. 

Startled by a sudden sound, "CHIMIE HYUNG!" Jimin whirled around at the familiar voice only to see a sweet-faced 16 years boy, waving and running toward him from across the street. He was apologizing for being late, saying he'd gotten lost.

Jimin sobbed with relief and moved to embrace his friend. But just before impact, the scene violently shifted once more. his friend's smiling face twisted into an expression of terror as an unseen force flung him across the road.

Jimin's shriek pierced the air at the sickening crack of the other body hitting the pavement. he ran to him, collapsing at his side as the other lay limp and broken, eyes staring vacantly upward.

"No no no..." Jimin begged desperately through vision blurred with tears. He clutched the shattered form, struggling to comprehend how everything transpired and changed in an instant. 

"C-Chimie h-hyung..." the boy choked out, struggling to form words through his pain.

"Shhh, don't speak," Jimin pleaded desperately. "Someone help us please!" he screamed out into the empty night. But his cries went unanswered.

the boy lifted a trembling hand to Jimin's cheek, wiping away the endless tears. "C-chimie hyung..." he repeated softly.

"The ambulance will be here soon, just stay with me," Jimin begged, clutching his friend tighter. But deep down, he knew no help was coming. They were alone, it was late and there weren't that many houses there. and time was running out.

Sad Memory / JIKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now