Izuku Profile!

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Izuku Midoriya


Izuku is a very timid, reserved, and polite boy, frequently overreacting to abnormal situations with exaggerated expressions. Due to yeаrs of being looked down on by Katsuki for lacking a Quirk, he is initially portrayed as insecure, tearful, vulnerable, and non-expressive. These traits are especially present around Katsuki, who also constantly harangued him for his aspirations to become a hero.

Izuku is a quite diligent and strong-willed student, being extremely (and sometimes scarily) enthusiastic about topics related to heroes. His dream drives him to write down notes about everything he learns in regards to heroes' Quirks and fighting capabilities. Thanks to this practice, Izuku has developed a great analytical mind and can form complex battle plans in a few seconds, factoring in the best ways he can utilize the Quirks of allies and enemies alike for his own advantage.

Izuku externalizes his observations through endless mumbling, a habit that annoys or creeps out his peers. Izuku often writes down his observations in a variety of notebooks he titles as Hero Analysis for Future, checking on them regularly during school activities or at night.

Izuku is caring and emotional, never hesitating to help or rescue someone in danger, even if he knows that he might not be strong or qualified enough to do it. Often, he does this on instinct, taking a more careless approach than the usual overthinking he goes through and putting himself in peril in order to protect someone.

Izuku is known to help or lecture people with personal and emotional problems, regardless if it's his business or not, claiming that a hero should meddle in other people's lives.

He has a strong fascination with heroes and is shown well-versed in their history, sometimes surprising the heroes with his vast knowledge. Of all heroes, the Symbol of Peace, All Might, has impacted and modeled Izuku's life the most. Many of Izuku's decisions and actions result from his desire to become a Pro Hero similar to All Might, and thus he has a great devotion to him.

Izuku is an avid collector of All Might merchandise, has knowledge of his several feats (no matter how minor), and emulates many of his traits.

After double dungeon

After being accidently thrown into a dungeon he was met with the Shadow Monarch Ashborn who had offered him the power of the Shadow Monarch but he had to get it through the help of the system that he and the architect had created in order to fit Ashborn desires. Izuku had grown to be a confident individual with a strong sense of family and a thirst for strength. As a result, he is very close to his sister, mother, Jinho and Cha Hae-In, and rarely wastes an opportunity to grow stronger.

It should also be noted that despite being the strongest hunter in the world, Izuku is not particularly arrogant and is both polite and easygoing in-person. He is also mostly indifferent to materialistic desires such as fame and fortune and can be very selfless, as displayed when he teleported to Jeju island without a second thought to save the Japanese raid team from certain death. In battle, however, he is ruthless, slaughtering his enemies indiscriminately, and even somewhat disdainful.


Izuku is a muscular and handsome young man with gray eyes, sharp facial features, and neat black hair. When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glow bright purple. He is also almost always seen wearing dark colors, particularly black.

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