Chapter 21

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'Aubrey, it's Fin. I was wondering if we could get together sometime soon? I'm really interested in your thoughts after our study session, and perhaps we can follow up on the group meeting; it was certainly food for thought.'

'Fin. How lovely to hear from you, and somewhat unexpected if I'm honest.' She sounded annoyed but its not clear to me why.

'Have I done something wrong Aubrey? Did I upset you at the party or something?'

'No no, the party was fine, it went well in fact. Daniel seemed to come out of his shell for a while. It's just...'

'Just what? What happened Aubrey. I thought we were getting on well. I had fun at your house, and as I said, I'm grateful for the invitation, but I would like to know if I've done something to offend you.' I realise I sound a bit needy, but I don't want to lose this opportunity. Aubrey is key to this mission and I need to retain her trust, even if it means apologising for something I haven't done, or some perceived slight on my part.'

'Look Fin. Perhaps it's better to take a little break from our study sessions and meetings. To be honest, I'm a little upset at how you treated Daniel and he has barely left his room since.'

'Treated Daniel? I don't understand.'

'You left him at some nightclub Fin. Felix had to go and pick him up. He was very angry , but honestly, I think his pride was hurt more than anything. I think he had rather hoped that you two might become more than friends, though of course that is none of my business. He told his father that you just upped and left, not returning his messages and never spoke to him again.'

This was a joke, that little fucker had been the one who abandoned me. I sat at that bar like an idiot waiting for him to come back, and honestly, had Sebastian not arrived and caught me, I would probably have been left unconscious on the floor, available to God knows who. The little bastard had clearly changed the facts to fit his won interpretation, leaving me as the bad guy. This I would have t deal with.'

'Look Aubrey, that's really not how it happened, but I think I need to discuss this with Daniel. I really don't want any awkwardness to come between us so how about we meet as normal, and I will sort things out with him; get rid of any tension and if I upset him, I will apologise.'

She seemed to hover with indecision on the phone but eventually she relented.

'Very well Fin, lets meet in my office later. There is much to discuss and I would love to get your opinion on a few things.'

Good. It seemed like that petit catastrophe had been avoided; now to deal with Daniel. I texted him asking to speak and he agreed to meet. We would catch up in a pub about halfway between his house and my college.

I walked into the pub about an hour later. It was still hurling it down outside and the pub was unusually quiet; clearly the weather was keeping people at home rather than out enjoying the joys of a traditional Oxford public house. The pub was beamed with a low ceiling. A fire crackled in a grate and the tables around it were taken by professional looking people; presumably local business owners and employees enjoying a bit of peace away from their desks. On the far side of the room, in a darker corner, sat Daniel, in his usual attire of jeans and a hoodie. He had a pint in front of him, so I ordered a cranberry juice from the Landlord and wandered over to join him. It's awkward; neither of us knows what to say but we sit and take regular, nervous swallows from our drinks. Finally, Daniel puts his half-drained pint down and looks at me, giving a little cough to clear his throat.

'Fin. I'm really sorry about the other night. I only came because you asked, but honestly, it's not me, all that loud music and flashing lights, and those people, God they were crushing me, pushing in on me, I just had to get out. I wanted to tell you but by the time I came back in, you were already in a serious conversation with some guy and I figured you had forgotten about me so I called my dad and went home.'

I placed my glass on the table and looked intently at Daniel's face. He held my gaze for a moment, then went back to staring at his pint, holding the glass on the table with both hands and moving it from side to side, keeping himself distracted from this difficult conversation.

'Look, I get it; it's not my thing either and I'm not sure what possessed me to go, let alone call you to go with me. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. But you shouldn't have just left. You didn't know who that guy was, I mean he could have been anyone. Luckily, he turned out to be a genuinely nice guy, and he was the consummate gentleman with me, but that's not the point. And what's with all the bullshit you told your mother? She and I work together. She thinks I jilted you or something. The way she tells it, it's like a scene from fucking Pride and Prejudice. Miss Darcy abandons her love to ride off with another man. What the fuck Daniel?'

'Yeah, sorry about that. That was my dad to be honest. I think he worries you aren't the right type for me, so he sort of embellished a bit and I didn't really argue. By the time we got home, Mum was waiting up and Dad came out with this entire story, but I just wanted to go to bed so I left them to it. I'll talk to her. Don't worry about it.'

Felix, you utter bastard. He cheats on me, then turns his son and wife against me. Arsehole. I finish my drink.

'Look, let's face it we will never be more than friends, but perhaps we can be that okay? I mean, if you want to be.'

Daniel nods, looking slightly less miserable than he did when I sat down. Looks like that little problem is sorted, and hopefully he will back me up with Aubrey when he next sees her. God this spying business is complicated.

We part as friends, and I decide that as I'm on a roll in terms of sorting out interpersonal issues, I will go and see Felix and find out what else that little bastard has been up to, and make it clear to him that unless he wants the department chair finding out about his indiscretions, he needs to get his shit together and stop targeting me.

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