Chapter 4

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 A few days after I had called the number, I was asked to go for a briefing at the building where my final interview had taken place. I was slightly disappointed that we were meeting there again, and not at the swanky HQ on the river, but I figured that until I actually join, I probably wasn't eligible for that particular privilege. I took the train back to London, and despite having to stand the whole time to avoid contact with anyone, it had been a peaceful journey. The train was filled with bleary-eyed commuters willing themselves to feign enthusiasm at the prospect of another day in a pointless job but I had to restrain myself from screaming 'I'm going to be a spy!' in every carriage. I wasn't even employed yet and already the unbearable smugness was beginning to dominate my every thought; the only thing that truly restrained me was the thought that with my luck, there would be someone from SIS on the train, on their way to work and I would be reported.

I arrived at the building and pressed the buzzer, but this time, my welcome was very different. The old timer who sat in reception was dressed exactly the same, but this time he greeted me like I was an old friend.

'Good morning Miss Dunbar. Lovely to see you again.'

'Morning.' I flashed him a smile to go with my brand new outfit of a charcoal trouser suit and heeled boots.

'Dennis, Miss.'

'Dennis, well I'm Fin, just plain old Fin.' Dennis thrust out his hand and I steeled myself not to recoil. I really wanted to shake it and I was desperate to make the right impression but I couldn't do it; I couldn't bring myself to touch him. Fortunately, I had come prepared and I gave him a little wave, drawing his attention to the slim bandage on my right hand.

'RSI,' I offered. Dennis looked confused. 'Repetitive Strain Injury; too much time on the laptop.' It was weak, but it usually worked for a while. Dennis had smiled but didn't look very convinced. I would need to do better for the meeting.

He indicated vaguely that I should take the stairs and as I did so, a woman who looked about my age was waiting at the top. We went through the same banal welcome and pleasantries but this time I intimated that I may have sprained my wrist playing an undefined sport and she asked no further questions. She led me through to the same room as before, only this time, only one guy sat at the table. He rose as I walked in; clearly an expensive education had taught him excellent manners.

'Fin, we meet at last, I'm Duncan Harris, your case officer for this assignment.' He glanced at my hand and didn't attempt to shake it – clearly this one was operational; observe and adapt, a mantra I remembered from the SIS website. I had finally met my case officer; this was not exactly how I had imagined my triumphant entry into the hallowed halls of espionage but it definitely had a twinge of Le Carre about it and so far, I was loving every second.

One thing I liked about Duncan Harris is that right from the off, there was no faffing about; he was on point and got straight to the heart of the matter which meant for the who time we worked together, there was rarely a wasted word or pointless platitude.

'Before we get to the assignment, there is just one thing I need to ask you. It's a follow up from the final interview but it seems this question was missed.'

I kept my serious face focused on Duncan but my insides started squirming again just as they had during the various stages of recruitment.

'it's nothing major, but it's important to have a full profile.' He looked up from his file and smiled, but I could sense the professional scrutiny that lay behind his informal façade. 'Basically, I just need to know, now that we have completed vetting and references and so on, is there anything else about you, your life, your views, that we should be aware of before you commence this assignment?'

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