Chapter 28

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Sebastian grimaced as though he were in physical pain. For a moment, I thought that he was having a heart attack.

'My money?' He scrabbled in his pocket for his phone, his natural French poise completely gone now. He found what he was looking for a started stabbing at it, opening screen after screen and sinking further and further into despair as the truth of Daniel's words became clear to him. He swore under his breath as each screed showed up as zero funds or account closed, eventually sinking to his knees and sobbing.

'Why Daniel, why? This was all about money? What about us?'

Daniel sniggered.

'Us. Are you fucking serious Seb? It was always about the money. This isn't some American movie where good always triumphs in the end. You are a fucking criminal, a terrorist and I've always been there, right by your side, but those days are over, I mean we both know it couldn't go on for ever. This weekend is your swan song right? This is where it all comes together for you. That's why we have Fin here. But once you finish it, my cover is blown, we have to leave the country, and personally, I want to live my life however I want, not weighted down by you and definitely not always asking you for money, always wondering if you would sell me out or meet someone else. No. This way is cleaner and easier for everyone, well except you and Fin obviously.'

I clear my throat to get some attention.

'When you two jilted lovers have finished bitching at each other, what the hell does this have to do with me? Where do I fit into this grand larcenous plan of yours, in fact, why am I even here? This doesn't concern me at all.'

'That's where you are very wrong indeed Fin. This concerns you from both of our perspectives. Originally, you were important because of Sebastian's revenge, after all, that's where all of this started. But since I discovered that you were fucking my father, and causing my mother so much misery, well, that's where it got personal for me too, so witnessing, even being party to your demise will be satisfying for me as well.'

I try to swallow but my throat is dry. So it is about Felix. I don't know what Daniel is talking about in terms of Sebastian, but for now, this is enough to process, and it is clear now that I am not just caught up randomly in some turf war between the two men; and I am very glad that my Dad is on his way. I just need to keep things calm and under control until he gets here with his team.

'Look Daniel. What happened between your father and I, well lets just say it's complicated. This wont make any difference to you, but until very recently, I really thought I was the only one, and that he was, as he told me, in a loveless marriage that he wanted to leave. He stayed for you though; he stayed to avoid hurting you, until he found a way to talk to you about it all and explain. I don't know what will happen if the future, if indeed there even is a future, but I know that Felix is a good man, and from he told me this evening, he seems to regret his actions greatly, and still wants to try and sort this mess out.'

'You spoke to him this evening?' Daniel was contemptuous, but seemed genuinely surprised. 'I didn't think either of you would want to speak to each other after I leaked the news of your little affair around the college. I really thought that would be the end of it.'

'You leaked it? You told everyone about us? You fucking bastard Daniel.' Now I really am angry. That little fucker probably cost me my doctorate and Felix, who knew, but I doubt his reputation would recover enough to get his bloody departmental chair now. I had believed it was Felix who leaked our affair, now I feel bad about doubting him so easily.

'You can ask him yourself when he wakes up, though I don't know if he will be so forthcoming once Sebastian's drugs wear off. I have to say, you are both pretty fucking astonishing; you really don't give a shit who you hurt or what you do to people do you?'

'Wait.' Daniel's voice cut through mine as I finished venting my outrage. 'My father is here? Where?'

This time it was Sebastian's turn to chuckle.

'You know Clive. Daniel. I pride myself on my foresight, my ability to plan. This is how I have always pulled off successful attacks and raids over the years, and why no one has any idea it was me. But like you, I did have an insurance plan in place, and though I will be honest and say that I had no idea you were planning all of this, that even our relationship was just fake, I did always wonder if I could truly trust you. Yes you have taken my money Daniel, and well done for that you little shit. But I have taken something more precious. I left crumbs for those secret service bastards. They think the person who plans these attacks is your mother, and this little bitch is the one who swallowed each crumb, and led them to her trail. That much was planned, and I knew that if you didn't crack after that, I could trust you, and there is no real evidence on your mother, it's just circumstantial and she will be released, but as it turns out, bringing your father here tonight; that was a stroke of genius given your revelations. I am just a little sad I did not plan this, but perhaps sometimes these things just work out non?'

'You framed my mother? You fucking French bastard.' Daniel stepped forward and aimed a perfectly timed and immaculately placed kick at Sebastian's head; even I heard the crack as it whipped backwards and hit the floor with a sickening thud. Sebastian had no time to avoid the kick and was left completely unprepared. As I stared in horror at his body splayed across the slate tiled floor, blood began to seep from his nostrils and he lay completely still.

I instinctively stood, stooping slowly to my knees and reaching out to Sebastian where he lay. His breathing is ragged and shallow and as I gently probe his head, my fingers become sticky with blood and clear fluid that I can only surmise is cerebral spinal fluid; literally the stuff his brain floats in, or used to float because now it is draining out across the floor. 

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