"I'm sorry but seriously, what are you guys doing here? Camz?" Lauren pressed on.

"Lauren, get them to come in sweetie." Clara told Lauren who stood firmly in front of the door, asking her friends questions. "Don't be rude." Clara added.

Lauren breathed out heavily and moved to the side to make room for both Camila and Dinah to come in. Lauren shuts the door securely behind them and leads the two girls over to the kitchen.

"Hi Camila and Dinah." Clara greeted, having to get a glimpse of the two girls before entering the kitchen.

"Hi Clara." They both greeted in a unison.

"Camila I want you to take care of my daughter tonight, no funny business. Okay?" Clara smiled at Camila.

"Yes ma'am. You can count on me." Camila replied enthusiastically.

Lauren clears her throat to get Camila's attention back and gestured for her girlfriend to enter the kitchen to have something to eat. The trio all sat around the kitchen bench with some soda in front of them and some chips.

"So tell me again why you two wouldn't just have a quality best friend time together?" Lauren brought up once again.

"Mila here insisted to see you and I obviously couldn't win even though I tried manhandling her back to her bedroom." Dinah explained. "Trust me this little one has some weird shit going inside her." Dinah added, making a face at Camila.

"Jealous I tell you. Jealous." Camila smirked at Dinah.

"Camz, I told you to just spend time with that one since we will see each other tonight." Lauren pointed at Dinah.

"That one?" Dinah scoffed, amused at Lauren's chosen adjective.

"Yes Dinah. And whatever, I'll just make it up to this one soon. " Camila replied, exchanging her gaze between Lauren and Dinah who sat on either side of her.

"No but seriously, I need my doze of Mila time today before you two head off to whatever place you two are going." Dinah commented, taking a sip from her soda.

Lauren gave Camila a look, indicating that she should let Dinah have her time for now and Lauren can spend her hours by being lazy in bed until their time to head off comes.

"Fine, we're leaving in 5." Camila groaned and smiled at Dinah warmly.

"Was that too hard to give Camz?" Lauren chuckled a little.

"Yes, in fact that was really hard to get out." Camila played along.

"How do you even put up with her?" Dinah asked Lauren sarcastically.

"It takes time of getting used to Dinah." Lauren smirked. "I honestly don't know how you do it." Lauren added.

"Hey." Camila exclaimed, hitting Lauren on her upper arm playfully. "I'm still here." Camila added.

"I'm so sorry babe." Lauren chuckled and placed a quick kiss on Camila's lips whilst smiling.

Lauren, Camila and Dinah joked around for a few more minutes before Camila and Dinah decided to leave and have their own time together. Lauren walked them out of the house and waved them goodbye, promising to pick up Camila later on that afternoon.

"Hey Mila can I ask you a question?" Dinah asked, on their way over to the park.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" Camila asked.

"Are you and Lauren serious about all of this?" Dinah asked, seriously.

"I mean so far, I have been. Why'd you ask?" Camila asked.

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