Rosé stifled a laugh " you're unbelievable. This girl makes you crazy Jen."

"I know right, I'm going crazy now and it will be worse if I won't be able to find her" Jennie pouted

Rosé shook her head "Move your ass now, Jen. I'll wait for you outside"




Since our next class will still be in 2 hours, I decided to go to the library. I was busy reading something on my notes when I noticed someone sitting across the table where I am sitting. I know it's Lisa, I didn't need to look up to know who was it because Lisa is my only friend. No one likes to be my friend. They are scared and I know why.


"Hi, Lisa. Where have you been?" Jisoo asked as soon as I sit across her. It's kinda funny, no it's not funny, it's kinda sad for me because every time Jisoo noticed that someone approaches her or sit beside her, she already knows that it's me because I'm her only friend, I'm the only one who wants to be friends with her.

It all started because of the rumors that spread here in school.

People here in school were whipped with Kim Jisoo before, men and women tried to get her attention but all of a sudden they were gone, I mean they stopped approaching Jisoo, they stopped courting her, they stopped trying to get her attention.


They said that Jisoo's father talked to them, well not just talk actually. Her father threatened them. I still don't know what kind of threats but the reasons are, for women who like Jisoo, well her Father is homophobic, and for men? Her father said that he's the one who will choose the man that Jisoo will marry in the future.

I still don't know if I would believe the rumors. I admit that her father looks intimidating and he's so strict when it comes to Jisoo, I don't know about her father that much, I don't ask about it and I don't know if he can do that to her daughter. My best friend doesn't do anything wrong, anyway.

Jisoo doesn't want to talk about it, I don't know if she believes it. Maybe not because that's her father. Maybe yes, that's why she didn't confront about it her father and after that, she didn't bother anymore with the other people around her until she got used to it. She just always obey what her father wants for her. But for me, it was too much already but I can't do anything. I'll just be on her side always.

"Lisa? You're zoning out. What are you thinking?" Jisoo asked curiously

I blinked and turned my gaze to my best friend. "Oh! It's nothing."

"So where have you been?"

"I just went to the canteen. I was so hungry because you didn't share your snacks earlier" I pouted

She chuckled "I'm sorry Lisa, I was so hungry too. We didn't take our breakfast earlier."

"Just because your Dad was there having his breakfast" I rolled my eyes

"If we sit together earlier with him, he will bombard me with questions and for sure not only me, he will ask you questions too, do you want it?"

I shake my head vigorously.

"See? I don't want it to, that's why I just told him that we are late already so we don't need to take breakfast with him."

"Why is he like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like he's so strict to you, and most of the time it's too much already. Chu, you are graduating already and soon you will be the one who will handle your company, right? Will you still let him control your life?"

TOGETHER (JENSOO)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant