Claire chewed her lip again before nodding in determination. "I'm sure. I'm not leaving the others behind." She looked over at Captain Atom.

His words reverberated in her mind. The Team was worried about her.

The Team needed her.

"Please don't tell the others, okay. I don't want them to know. Not yet anyway."

He nodded, and Claire sighed before she disappeared and reappeared in her suit.

She put one hand on her hip and gave them a genuine small smile, something they hadn't seen a little while longer than they would have liked.

"Guess this is a sign that the duty of an unstoppable superhero is never done."



December 22, 15:02 EDT

"Recognized, Stellar. B-0-5."

"Hey, kiddos. Miss me?" The blonde superheroine's cape flapped slightly behind her as she walked up to Conner, M'gann, Robin, and Artemis. Her hands were on her hips, and she let out a quiet laugh once M'gann and Artemis practically tackled her.

"Where have you been?" They asked in unison but with different tones. M'gann had a smile on her face while Artemis had a slight glare. Robin kind of awkwardly stared at the exchange, awaiting an answer; Conner did the same but feigned indifference.

"Home, I was feeling a little sick." She lied but smiled to cover it up. M'gann cooed and placed the back of her hand on her forehead, and sucked her teeth. "Well, you are feeling a little warm. Have you been drinking water?"

Artemis crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes a little, "Can you even get sick?"

"Umm... Oh hey, what's that?" Claire swiftly changed the subject and pointed to the hologram map behind Robin and Conner.

M'gann and Artemis looked over at it while Robin moved to the side to allow everyone to see it better.

"This is our next mission." Three red dots appeared on the map. "Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe, and each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus. Batman's sending us undercover to catch the thieves."

Claire crossed her arms, and a sly grin etched itself onto her face. "Looks like I came back just in time."

"Me too." Red Arrow walked up to the group and stood beside Robin. "This clown car have room for one more?"

Robin tensed up, and he side-eyed the red archer. "Uh, we've- we've got this covered." He answered, but Arrow scowled and leaned closer, whispering under his breath so that only the Boy Wonder would hear. Though the action was impractical, seeing as how two of the heroes present had super-hearing and another could read minds.

"You've got the mission covered, but who's covering the potential mole suspects you're bringing along?"

Claire's eyes narrowed, and they moved between Robin and Red Arrow. What were they not telling her?



December 22, 20:08 CET

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