Take Me To the Moon (OT8) [PART 2]

Start from the beginning

But honestly... Felix felt better than he'd felt in the past year.

The burden of grief he'd been carrying for all those tiring months was lessened, somehow. With so many people caring for him and trying their hardest to make him happy, it was hard not to focus on the good things. And yes, of course, he still had some bad days, but he knew he could always count on all of them to lift his spirits and give him the comfort he needed.

He felt wanted. He felt loved.

He finally... he finally felt alive again.

It's not love, he told himself at some point, as he gazed upon the little group once more gathered in his living room for an evening of fun. Or at least, not the love they seek.

Sure, Felix had come to care deeply for them, but he'd never been in love, before, and he somehow doubted this was it. They had become amazing friends, family even, but he was still healing, and he wanted to focus on his studies, and he'd just started regaining his passion for dance – he didn't want to rush into anything, not when he was just starting to get his life back on track.

(And maybe, just maybe, he was a little scared of what it'd mean if he ever admitted to himself that his feelings ran a lot deeper than he ever expected them to.)


About half-a-year after Felix first met Chan and the others was when everything suddenly went sideways.

"What's wrong? Why are you all here?"

They'd shown up without warning. It was the middle of the night, and urgent knocking had woken Felix up. He'd barely managed to drag his feet over and open the door that all seven of his alien friends were rushing inside, seemingly in a panic.

"Felix, we must go," urged Chan.

"What? Go where?"

"Home," answered Seungmin, frowning. "Chan's father, the King of the Moon, has fallen gravely ill. He doesn't have much more time left, which means we must return – the Greater Kingdom cannot be left unsupervised, even briefly."

Felix's eyes widened at the news. "I'm- I'm so sorry... but- but you're leaving right now?"

"Yes, we must," insisted Chan. "You can pack some things if you hurry, but we cannot waste much more time. It is a long journey—"

"Wait, wait, wait," cut Felix, shaking his head. "What- what are you saying? Pack? What are you talking about?"

"Felix, we just told you, we must leave at once—"

"I'm not going anywhere, Chan." A heavy silence befell the room, and he gulped. "This- this is too sudden, and I'm not—I don't want to leave."

Chan's crestfallen expression tore Felix's heart apart, but he'd already thought this over before, and came to the conclusion that he did not want to go live on the Moon. As amazing as that kind of journey would be, he didn't long for that kind of adventure anymore, and he definitely wasn't ready to just leave everything he'd ever known behind for seven people he'd only just met.

"Felix, please. We are meant to be," insisted Chan, practically begging. "I understand this is quite sudden, but we- we love you so much. Please, come with us."

He shook his head, taking a step back. "I- I can't. The Moon is your home, Chan—"

"It could be yours, too! We could—"

"I said no!"

Without warning, Hyunjin's hand shot out and grabbed him. Felix instinctively looked at him, and almost immediately got caught under his hypnosis, Hyunjin's golden eyes luring him into a trance-like state.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now