- - chapter fifteen- - dream

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I look at the name tag again. Dream.

I type Dream into the youtube search bar. A very green channel with a lot of subscribers pops up.

His logo is a smiley face. Just like my dream. Just like George's sweatshirt.

I remember George's contact name for Clay. Clay Dream.

I sigh. I am such an idiot.

I stare at the screen with one very clear thought in my mind.

Clay is a very famous youtuber.

It's one thing that George didn't tell me. I'm was a stranger to him.

But Clay?

Clay and I are friends. We're close. Isn't this something I should know about?

We hung out almost daily for so long before I went to London, and he just never mentioned his job in full?

Does he not trust me?

I know things about Clay that not many people know about, so why is this the one thing that he doesn't tell me?

I wouldn't use him for fame. I would've respected his privacy.

I click on a manhunt video.

Clay's voice rings through my headphones. I recognize George's voice and another sounds fairly similar as well.

Oh not Nick too.

That one I could potentially validated of not knowing too. Nick and I are not super close besides basic conversation. We're not the type of friends to spill all our secrets.

But Clay?

We are that type of friend. Of all the secrets that seem to be kept from me, that one hurts the most.

The video is pretty entertaining. I can hear someone say language here and there. I guess that would be my potential relative.

I feel a pit in my heart as I watch it.

Why does Clay not trust me?

George is still in the shower, so I guess I should just go straight to the source.

I take a screenshot of the channel and send it to Clay.

My phone starts ringing within a minute.

"What the fuck, Clay?" I say as I answer.

"Listen, I can explain," he starts, "I didn't tell you for a reason."

"This better be good," I scoff. "Why wouldn't you? I mean I thought we were close, but apparently not."

"We are close. We're so close," he explains. "And I think that's why I didn't say anything. When I'm with you I'm just Clay. I'm not famous and there's nothing recording me. I can just be myself and not have to worry about judgement."

"You think I would judge you?" I sigh.

"No no, not at all." he shifts on the other side of the line. "I just like being human and normal. It's just really nice."

"Aren't you human on youtube too?" I ask him. "Aren't you normal just like everyone else?"

"Yeah, but a lot of people just put me on a pedestal. It's stressful."

"I wouldn't have put you on a pedestal. I don't think you're perfect. I've seen you fall down stairs after tripping on a cat toy, Clay. You don't have to worry about that." I laugh a little bit. "I just don't understand why you didn't think you could be normal and my youtuber friend?"

He sighs. "I don't know."

"Me neither,"

"Are you mad?" he asks.

I take a moment to consider it.

Mad? I don't think I'm mad. That would be irrational. How could I be mad that he didn't tell me? He had his reasons.

If I'm not mad, then what am I feeling?

"Confused?" I say finally, "Slightly hurt?"

"That makes sense," he says quietly.

"We're-" I pause as I see George walk past my room. His hair is wet from his shower.

Holy cow he's hot.

"Wait," I say to Clay, "Are you the reason George didn't tell me?"

He chuckles, "Yeahhh that would be me."

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me. "And Nick?"

"That one was his choice," Clay says quickly, "but I did tell George not to say anything."

"Interesting," I say, once again distracted by George as he messes with something in the living room.

"Wow all the sudden not interested in our conversation?" Clay jokes.

"Sorry, I was looking at someone- I mean something." I face away from the open door. Out of site out of mind. Hopefully.

"Mhm," he says, "So how is George anyways?"

I roll my eyes. Of course he can see right through me. "He's great,"

"No found too," Clay laughs.

"Yeah, that was a surprise."

"Do you like him?" Clay blurts out.

"Oh wow how subtle of you, Clay." I laugh, blushing. Good thing he can't see me.

"I could hear it in your voice when you talked about him the past couple phone calls," he points out. "It's not a bad thing."

"I know it's not I just- "

"BOO" someone spins my chair around.

I drop my phone as I scream.

"George," I say as I pick the phone back up. "Sorry dude, some idiot just scared me."

Clay sounds like a deflating balloon when J get back on the phone.

"Who are you talking to?" George asks. He fixes his hair, which is a little messy after his shower.

"Oh Cl-" I pause and smile up at him. "I'm talking to Dream actually."

George stops for a solid second. "Wait.. You know?"

"Yeah, no thanks to you by the way." I joke, "Thanks for telling me."

"He told me not to tell you!" George exclaims.

I focus on my phone call once again.

"It's weird hearing you say Dream not going to lie," Clay says.

"It was a little weird to say too."

"Hey can I ask my question?" George says.

I roll my eyes but still smile. "Yes?"

"Do you want to go get ice cream?" he asks.

"Yeah, why not." I shrug. "Sorry, Clay I have to go,"

"Have fun," he says in a knowing tone, "but not too much fun."

"Shut up."

"You know I'm right," he laughs.

I hang up on him.

"What did he say?" George asks.

I shake my head. "Nothing important."

- - author's note- -

secrets outttt

have a great day :)

word count: 1025

staying with a stranger / georgenotfound x reader fanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя