--chapter one-- missing passports

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"I'm sorry," the lady at the hotel's front desk shrugs, "we didn't see anything left in your room when it was cleaned."

"Are you sure?" I ask, drumming my fingers on the desk, "I really need that passport. I have a flight that's supposed to be taking off like now." I sound desperate.

"For the last time," the lady snaps with her British accent, "we didn't see anything. It would've been brought up to the desk for lost and found."

"Ugh," I say in frustration, not knowing what to do, "Thanks anyways."

I was supposed to be on a plane to head back to America. I'm supposed to meet with my friend Clay, but I can't do that without a passport.

I don't know where I could've possibly have put it. I was so sure I left it in my hotel room, but they don't seem to have it.

I sigh, walking away from the desk. I have to call Clay to tell him that he won't have to pick me up from the airport.

"Hello?" he says as he answers.

"Hey Clay!" I say as casually as I can.

"Hey y/n," he sounds confused, "aren't you supposed to be on a plane right now?"

"Well, about that," I laugh a little, "I sorta, kinda lost my passport, so I can't come home."

"You what?" he asks, surprised, "you've got to be kidding me. Do you have anywhere to go?"

"I'm going to get a hotel tonight, but after that I'm not too sure." I say. Hotels can be expensive. I don't know if I could afford one while I wait for my new passport.

"Hold on," he says, "let me make a call, and I might know someone you can stay with," he hangs up without saying goodbye.

I sit down on a chair in the hotel lobby. It's late here in London, so the room is empty besides me. I wonder who Clay could possibly be calling.

Clay and I met through a mutual friend at a football party. I had to sit through watching a football game, and I had no idea how football worked. Clay explained everything to me, and we've kept in touch ever since then.

He was so jealous that I was able to go to London before him. He even considered coming on my trip with me, but ultimately decided against it. I guess his work wouldn't really allow that. I'm not entirely sure what he does. Every time I ask about it, he's very vague about his tech job. I guess he thinks it would be boring for me.

Who is Clay calling to give me a place to stay? Does he really have a friend who would let a total stranger stay with him?

My phone rings once again, and I pick it up on the second ring.

"Okay, so I got you a place to stay with my friend George," he says without waiting for me to say a single word, "I'll send you the address and you can come over tonight."

"What?" I say, a little surprised at the rudeness, "Are you sure he's okay with it?"

"Yeah, I explained the situation to him, and how we know each other," Clay answers.

"Okay, as long as he's fine with it, I guess."

"Alright, perfect," Clay sounds a little excited, "I'll send you his address. Byee."

"Okay b-" he hangs up before I could finish.

Did that really just happen?

I guess if this George guy- if that was his name- is really okay with me staying, then I don't have much of a choice. It's either that or hotel bills.

Clay said that he told George how we know each other, but how do George and Clay know each other? Shouldn't these be questions I ask before going to this random guy's house?

Nevertheless, I have nowhere else to go, so I call an uber to take me to the address Clay just sent.

I guess I'm staying with a stranger.

--author's note--

welcome to my new story! 

i had this one in my head since before i started writing 'streamer next door', but i decided to do the dream x reader first, then a lot of people requested it soo here we are

i hope you guys enjoy this one! i think it could be really good!

have a great day and enjoy the rest of the story :))

word count: 744

staying with a stranger / georgenotfound x reader fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang