--chapter thirteen-- georgenotfound

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"Hey y/n," George says as he stands in the doorway of my room. "I'm going to do some stuff with Tommy and Wilbur. I'll be back later tonight."

I glance up from editing my picture. "Okay, I'll see you later."

"Okay,"He says with a little nod. He turns to leave with his jacket in hand.

I take a leap of faith.

"Wait, George?" I ask before he's out of earshot.

He turns around and smiles at me, "Yeah?"

"Are you eating with them?"

"I don't think so," he shakes his head.

"Would you maybe want to go get some dinner together later then?" I ask. I blush a little as I ask.

I'm only going to be here for a couple more weeks. Might as well make them worth it.

"I would love to," he smiles.

"Okay, cool," my cheeks blaze, "I'll see you then."

"Okay," he turns again, "bye y/n."


I wait until I can hear the door shut completely before I let out the breath I was holding.

Did I just ask him on a date?

Well, no I asked him to dinner. We didn't specify that it was a date.

Damn it. Why am I an idiot?

I should've specified what I wanted it to be. I mean, I would like to go on a date.

I've really loved getting to know him the last three weeks. I know we don't have very long together since I'm going back to the states, but I think it's worth a shot.

But what if he didn't want it to be a date? A little voice in my head asks.

He might only think of me as a friend and I'm over here wanting to go on a date with him.

My stomach drops.

No. I don't know what he's thinking. I can't put words in his mouth.

I should just ask how he's feeling about everything because for all I know we're thinking the same thing.

I scroll on tiktok to calm my nerves. I'm excited to hang out with George tonight.

I come across a tiktok with a very familiar person. It takes me a solid minute before I start to laugh. Once again, there is George on my for you page.

Wow he's really becoming tiktok famous.

I click on his username: GeorgeNotFound

Interesting username George.

Woah. George has a lot of followers. I click on a couple of his tiktoks. I see one with Tommy in it. It must've been recently when they've hung out.

He has a lot of minecraft and video game related things. I scroll through his page. I have a weird feeling these followers aren't just from tiktok.

I go to my laptop to google something. I type in georgenotfound.

A youtube channel pops up. Correction, a very popular youtube channel pops up.

George is a minecraft youtuber?

Why didn't he tell me?

I click on the first video I see, which is where he puts a marshmallow in his mouth every minute. What an interesting idea.

My foot taps impatiently as I wait to be able to skip the ad.

There on my screen pops up George as he does an intro, then he switches to minecraft with four little characters.

I read the nametags as Quackity, KarlJacobs and Dream.

I remember George talking to someone named Karl whenever he was talking about me not knowing something.

I have a strong feeling this is what I'm not supposed to be seeing.

I click pause on the video before the other people get to talk. Should I click off? Is this invading his privacy?

Why wouldn't he tell me is my question. I mean, I'm not mad that he didn't tell me because there's obviously a reason he didn't. I haven't known him that long, so he may not be comfortable with telling me. Plus, I met him through Clay. If Clay doesn't know about this, then George may not want him to know about it.

I don't have time to consider anything too much as George walks through the door.

"Hey, y/n!" he calls out as he walks into my open door, "Are you ready for-" He stops as he sees the video on my laptop.

"George," I say slowly, "Who are you and what do you really do?"

"Listen, I can explain," he starts off. 

--author's note--

update will be out TOMORROW so stay tuned!

thank you guys for all the support! it means the world <3

have a great day :))

word count: 711

staying with a stranger / georgenotfound x reader fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum