--chapter ten-- friends

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I try to get a good angle of the water. I finally had a good day for pictures, so I'm taking advantage of my opportunity.

I hear someone talking loudly behind me. I see a tall brunette with a blond kid.

The brunette looks my way and gives me an apologetic smile. I return the smile and continue taking pictures.

The two boys are still there when I pack up to head back to George's flat.

"Excuse me?" the blonde boy asks as I walk past them.

"Hm?" I turn to see if he's talking to me.

"Could you take a picture of us?" he asks, holding his phone out.

"Yeah, of course," I say as I take the phone from him.

I take a couple photos for them before handing the phone back, "Here you go."

"Thank you," the boysmiles, "These will look great for the gram."

The one that seems older shakes his head, then turns to me. "Are you from here? I notice you have an American accent."

It takes me a second to process what he's saying. I've gotten so used to hearing British accents that I forgot I don't sound like everyone around me.

"Yeah," I nod, "I'm from Florida."

The boy looks up from his phone with a big smile. "Do you think they know you know who?" he asks his friend.

"Probably not," the man says, laughing.

I smile, "Alright, I'm going to go, but it was nice meeting you guys."

They wave goodbye as I walk away.


"What do you think about getting this?" I ask George a couple hours later at home as I show him a new camera on my screen.

"I mean," he laughs a little, "don't you already have two?"

I pause for a moment. "Yes, but I-" I laugh a little bit.

"I'm just saying-" George is cut off by an obnoxious knock on the door. "Oh, no," he whispers under his breath, "What's the date?"

"The fifth?" I say with a little laugh, "Why?"

He buries his head in his hand. "Um, so I have friends coming over. Like now apparently."

I roll my eyes. "Only you would forget that."

"I just-"

"Don't worry," I say, waving it off, "I'll be in my room."

He nods, relieved that I didn't make a big deal about it.

Would it had been nice to have a bit of a heads up? Yes, but I don't have a problem with hanging out in my room.

I can hear George open the door.

"GOGY" someone yells, "HEY"

I laugh quietly. What is up with this 'gogy' nickname?

"Hey, Tommy," I hear George say, then I can hear a little murmur but can't make out the words.

"At all?"

"How does that even work?"

"Wow, George."

I don't even try to piece together the little parts I can hear of the conversation. A couple minutes later, there's a knock on my door.

"y/n?" George says through the door.

staying with a stranger / georgenotfound x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now