Brother dear

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   The air was nearly knocked out of Keigo's lungs as a wall of ice surged up under him and a pair of arms wrapped around him. 

  Shoto groaned, holding onto the older man as tightly as he could. He pulled with all of his strength in order to keep him from slipping down. "What the fuck, Hawks! What in the world do you think you're doing?!" 

     Hawks's eyes were practically empty as he opened them and looked back at the teen. The gaze alone screamed out the sheer amount of pain that he was going through. It was the gaze of a man who craved death more than anything else in his life. 

  "What's the point of calling? I would have just ended up doing it some other way in the end anyway. No one needs me at this point, it doesn't change anything if I'm dead or alive. Just... It's better than taking up space somewhere that I don't belong. I'm sorry, okay? I know what your class was trying to do. At this point, It's not really worth it," He said. Slowly, he started to make his way towards the edge again. Shoto tightened his grip.

  " I'm calling my dad. This- You can't just do this! It isn't right!" 

  "I'm pretty sure you would have done it one point too," Keigo replied, "Judging by those nasty burns that you got on your arm there, I can only think that you've tried." He wasn't even looking at Shoto anymore, just... stairing off into the sky. "It's really quiet today. Shouldn't you be in school or something like that?" 

  Shoto crossed his arms, letting out a huff, "You're trying to change the subject. It's not going to fucking work," He took Keigo's arm and brought him over to the center of the roof, sitting down with him. 

  "Look at you, kid. You're really turning into a real hero, aren't you? Going around and saving people like this... Your pops must be real proud of you," Keigo chuckled a bit. He turned to the young hero with a sad and weak smile, "The commission sink their claws into you yet? Won't be long now,"

    The bi-colored boy stared at Keigo with honest fear in his eyes. He had never seen the older man in such a broken state like that. He didn't speak another word to Keigo, instead getting out his phone and calling his father. 

   Keigo didn't hear a single word of the conversation. He could hear Enji's voice, but it was all extremely fuzzy. His ears were ringing. He strained, trying his hardest to hear any voice at all. Even if it had been the voice of the now twisted Asuka or the shadow, it would have been worth it for him. The quietness was almost deafening. 

  "Hey kid, mind asking him if I can just go to a mental clinic or something? No need to bring him more trouble than I already have. It wouldn't be very plus ultra of me, y'know. I think that's what your school says or something like that?"

  "Hawks, I can hear you, y'know. I already offered for you to stay at my house if you need anything. I'm not about to send you away to an asylum for something like this. I know that isn't exactly something that you need right now. I'm going to get you professional help, but not like that," Enji said. 

    Keigo didn't respond. Still feeling... empty. He had gotten up again. Instead of heading towards the edge again, he just went back inside and headed over to his bed. Shoto followed him as quickly as he could. He watched Keigo crawl under the covers and wrap himself up. The room was barely even cold and yet, Keigo was shivering like he'd been left outside in the middle of the winter. 

   "I'm not gonna leave until my dad gets here, y'know. Not after something like this," Shoto sat down beside Keigo on the bed. He thought for a little bit before getting under and cuddling close. "Do you maybe wanna just talk for a bit I mean, I know it isn't really my place, but I wanna help as much as possible. If not me, I can always call Rumi or someone like that."

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