Talk to me

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     Keigo whimpered and shifted, groaning in pain. As he started to slowly come to, he started to hear the constant steady beeping of a heart monitor. He blinked the sleep out of sleep in his eyes and tried to turn and sit up in his bed, sending an electric shock of pain through his back. He cried out softly.

  "Hey... hey, none of that, lie back down. You shouldn't be moving right now," A soft female voice said. Small cold hands pressed a gentle hand into his shoulder. As his vision started to clear, Keigo noticed Rei, Enji, and Yagi all at his bedside. Rei was the closest to his bed, looking at him with kind, sad eyes. 

   "Where... Why-I... What's going on?" Keigo slurred. Rei and Enji both helped lay the young blonde back on his stomach. Keigo sighed and tried his hardest to stretch out his wings but... He didn't feel anything move... Just a stinging pain in his back. 

   "Hawks... what the hell were you thinking, hmm? Cutting off your wings like that, I- You should have called me if you felt like doing something like this. I'm sorry for getting angry at you before you left for the commission. I didn't know that there was something else going on in your head. I never meant to hurt you this bad, y'know. If you'd just called, we could've talked and-"

  "It... It wasn't you... Endeavor-san... besides, it wasn't anything that a call would've helped. Calling anyone would have just upset me more, I think... I might have done something even more drastic," Keigo cut Enji off coldly, much more coldly than he had ever meant to.

  "How about Rumi? She's your best friend; she's actually the one who tipped us off about the fact that something was off about you. When you didn't reply to her text, she got worried about you and called me."

   "What's the point? If I looked weak in front of her, she would have just gotten frustrated again, and left me. That would have been the final push for her to finally walk away. Don't know why she would have actually been worried, y'know. It would have probably been better for her if I was the one to let go..." He rested his head down on his pillow, staring out the window at the clear blue skies. It was virtually cloudless, and bright, like nature itself was celebrating the fact that he could have died, "I think... that maybe it would have been better for everyone... If I just disappeared, y'know. Wouldn't have to worry about leaving me."

    He couldn't take his eyes off of the sky, gazing endlessly into the azure abyss. His heart ached as his mind began to wander off to memories of bright blue eyes and blue flame. Maybe... maybe he could've still been on good terms with Dabi- with Touya if he had just walked away before things ever got bad. Maybe he should have even walked away before the two of them ever fell in love. 

  "She wanted us to help you, Keigo. She cares about you more than you know. She thought that you didn't want to talk to her right now, so she called us instead. She knew that you would listen to us," Enji spoke softly, staying close to Keigo. The younger man just went quiet, not even acknowledging his existence. 

   For what seemed like hours, they sat in a cold, uncomfortable silence that fell heavy and thick upon the room.

   "I would prefer it if we didn't talk about this sort of thing right now, I just... I'm just really tired, y'know. I just maybe wanna sleep for a while," Keigo said softly. Despite the pain, he rolled onto his side and pulled his knees to his chest like he used to as a child on the days when his parents would fight. He pulled the blanket up to just under his nose, hiding most of his face from view. 

  "I think you've done quite enough resting for now. The doctors were almost afraid that we were going to lose you when you went under for the surgery..." Keigo went quiet as Enji said those words. They seemed to almost echo through his mind, bouncing off the little crevices that occupied his thoughts. "It will probably come as a shocker to you, but I don't want to see you get hurt...  I don't... I don't like seeing you like this, Hawks..."

  "Is it just because I was dating your son?... Oh wait, I fucked that up, so by all means, you should hate me more than anything right now," 

  "If it was just that, then we wouldn't be here with you right now, and I think that you know that," Keigo felt Rei's hand being replaced with Enji's much larger hand. Warmth seemed to radiate out from the point where he touched Keigo. The younger hero peeked out from the blanket and gave a weak little sigh. 

  "You know... I never thought that I'd actually see the day where my childhood hero would say that he was actually afraid to lose me, little me would have probably lost her shit, y'know... She probably would have thought that I was lying because- and I quote- there's no way that THE Endeavor would actually want to be around me, right? Man, I tell you, it would have been the best thing ever..." Keigo laughed, turning again to try and sit up. 

  "Keigo don't-"

   "Oh, c'mon Enji, it's not like I had surgery on my ass or something. I'm sure that I'm perfectly all right to sit up for now," Keigo snarked. Enji didn't miss the fact the smile was all too plastic. It was the same exact smile that Keigo had been giving to the reporters whenever he was with the commission, it was the same fake smile that he had used back at the Tododroki household. 

  Enji looked up at Yagi and Rei. 

  "Could you two excuse us for a bit?... I'd like to talk to Keigo alone for a few minutes. Just a little bit of man to man," Enji said softly. The two of them recognized that tone immediately and they slowly left the room. As soon as the door was closed, Enji turned back to Keigo, "Okay kid, spill... How're you actually feeling? It's just you and me now if you wanna talk, we can talk or you can just pretend that I'm not here at all."

  "There's nothing on my mind right now I-I..."

  "No hey... please don't do that right now, Keigo. I'm here to help you... Kid... talk to me."

  "I... oh all right... okay..."

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