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(what if: when stoick and oswald went to the camp,they didnt loose his memories,and faked it when he first returned back

valka,alvin and blade:'on berk,sad'

they missed there friends so much.

they missed stoick and oswald.

today was the day stoick and oswald would return.

the day they would be different,they will not be themselves anymore.

valka: im happy to see them again,but im also scared.

blade: me to.

alvin: they have to be themselves,they just have to.......but if they arent......

valka: if they are different,i will do anything i can to make it themselves again.

alvin: ill also help.

blade: me to,for oswald.

alvin: because you like him~

blade: shut it!

they hear something,they saw a ship.

valka: there here.....

they run to the dock.

stoick and oswald:'walks off the ship'

many vikings started to talk to them.

stoick was acting all brave,while oswald was all nervous and scared.

valka,alvin and blade:'looks at them'

stoick:'walks to them'hello,my name is stoick.

oswald: a-and im oswald.

valka: its nice to meet you.

stoick:'smiles innocently'its nice to meet you to.

they walk to the forest,showing them around.

stoick and oswald:'looks at eachother'

alvin: whats wrong?

stoick: are we alone?

valka: yes,why?

oswald: thank thor,guys we didnt forget.

blade: what?

stoick: we still have our memories.

valka: b-but how?

stoick: were not sure.

valka:'hugs stoick'i missed you so much.

stoick:'hugs her'me to.

blade:'hugs oswald'im glad your still yourself oswald.

oswald:'smiles and hugs her'

stoick: we have to keep this a secret though.

alvin: but why?

oswald: if anyone finds out,we'll be send back.

alvin: its true,they will be send back.

stoick: so we have to pretend,but i will never kill dragons.

oswald: me to.

blade: i wont kill a dragon.

valka and alvin:'nods in agreement'

they all extend there hands to eachother.

they all made a promise to eachother.

stoick: i have a plan,we can escape from this place,once and for all.

valka: really?

stoick: yes,we can have our own home.

alvin: somewhere were we can be ourselves,and not be scared.

blade: where we can be happy.

oswald: and not be hurt anymore.

they all smile at eachother,nothing can break there friendship.

and soon to be love interests.

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