(tom and jerry)how they met

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(to explain this,tom and jerry are together and have many kids,sam is one of there kids,she is a cat,her friend liz is a mouse

there also able to turn human)

sam:'walking from the park with her parents and siblings'

tom: its nice to be able to get out.

jerry: ya,especially with all the kids.

then they hear something.

sam: whats that sound?

then they see 3 cats chasing a small black mouse.

tom: there going to kill that mouse!

jerry: we have to do something!

sam:'sees some fish,she grabs it and shows it somewhere far away'

the cats see the fish and runs after it.

sam: that should keep them busy.

black mouse:'runs to them'

tom:'picks up the mouse'its ok,i wont eat you.

then the black mouse turns human.

it was a girl,around 15 years old.

jerry: whats your name?

girl: my name is liz.

sam: hi liz,my name is sam!

liz: nice to meet you!

sam: why were those cats running after you?

liz: to eat me,and i stole some of there food.

sam: i guess ill see you around liz.

liz: yup! bye!'turns into a mouse and runs off'

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