(httyd)disciplined in the past

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(to explain this part,i remember this idea from the past with my friend sam,she might not remember this at all

i dont know if we did this at all

but i remember this,so im doing this

by the way,due to hiccup magic he can time travel also

which is why he is very intelligent and knows many languages)

hiccup:'a 6 year old,he wanted to do go somewhere and used his magic'

but he accidentally went to far in the past.

hiccup:'looks around,he was in a house'

for some weird reason,the house looked very familiar.

he heard footsteps and then the door open and saw 5 people walk in.

valka: a little kid?

blade: where did this kid come from?

oswald: stoick where did this kid come from?

stoick: im not sure how he got here.

hiccup:'looks at them'hi.

valka:'walks to hiccup'hello there,whats your name?

hiccup: hiccup,hiccup haddock.

stoick: wait......my last name is haddock.

hiccup:'looks at him'daddy?

stoick: w-what?

alvin: the kid looks like valka.

stoick and valka:'blushes'

hiccup:'walks to valka'your my mommy?

valka: i guess i am.

hiccup: i wish i met you.

valka: what do you mean?

hiccup: you went to valhalla.

valka:'eyes widen'

blade: valka.......

hiccup:'hugs her leg innocently'

alvin: so you and stoick have a kid?

hiccup: who are you?

alvin: im alvin.

then a shoe was thrown at his face.

alvin: ow! what the?!

hiccup: your evil!

alvin: what do you mean? and why the h### did you show a shoe at me?!

hiccup:'spits on him'

valka:'picks up hiccup'

hiccup:'squirms in her grip'

valka: can you all leave the room for a moment?

blade: ok,we need to get something anyway.

oswald: ya.

they all leave the room.

valka:'sits down and puts hiccup over his knee'



hiccup:'yelps in pain'

he was surprised by how strong she was.

'smack! smack! smack!'

hiccup: o-ow! it hurts! stop!

'smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack!'

hiccup:'whimpers as his poor a## was being roasted'

'smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack!'

hiccup:'starts to cry from pain'

valka:'stops spanking hiccup and hugs him'

hiccup:'whimpers as he cries into her shoulder'

he snuggled close to her for comfort.

he always wanted comfort wrong his mother.

he never met her,but now this was his chance.

even if he got his a## beaten.

hiccup:'slowly closes his eyes and falls asleep against her'

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