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(to explain this,goku is having trouble controlling the ssj 4 form,goku is an adult and this is a kakageta oneshot)

goku:'in his room,he felt the ssj 4 side trying to appear'

vegeta:'walks in the room'kakarot? you ok?

goku:'doesnt look at vegeta,he stares at the ground'

vegeta:'walks to him'kakarot why arent-

goku:'growls,his eyes turn yellow as he grew sharp teeth'

vegeta:'steps back'kakarot?

goku:'grabs his shoulders,his eyes yellow showing wildness like an animal'

vegeta:'eyes widen'

goku:'pins vegeta down onto the bed,his breath ragged,he stares into vegeta eyes'

vegeta:'squirms a bit'

goku:'bites his shoulder'

vegeta:'winced,he felt some blood dripping down from his shoulder'

goku:'licks the blood'

vegeta:'blushes a bit'

goku:'sits on vegeta lap,he looks at him as he growls at him'

vegeta: kakarot,whats gotten into you? why are you acting like this?

goku:'closes his eyes,he opens them again,showing his black eyes'

his eyes widen seeing the blood on vegeta shoulder.

goku: vegeta,d-did i do that?

vegeta: its ok kakarot,im fine.

goku:'hugs him'im sorry,i didnt mean to hurt you.

vegeta:'hugs back'its ok kakarot.

goku:'snuggles close to him'

vegeta:'strokes his hair gently'

goku:'purrs a bit'

vegeta:'chuckles as he sees goku face turn red'

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