Chapter eleven

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The restaurant was busting with people. Many being people who had just watched the football event and went out to eat afterwards. If Phil hadn't decided it would be good idea to book a table on forehand, there would be no way any of the cities restaurants would've fit both teams inside.

Everyone had relaxed, changed, showered, and were no longer smelling like sweat. They had all dressed up in their finest clothing, because even though only one team actually won, there was a lot to celebrate.

The restaurant bell rang as both teams entered. Practically everyone seated turned around to look, mostly in shock to see so many entering at once.

The waiter welcomed them and showed them their assigned table. A large table, probably the biggest one in the restaurant, placed by one of the huge glass windows.

"Wow, this is beautiful," George said in awe as they made their way over to the table.

"Not as beautiful as you," Dream winked, causing George to scoff and roll his eyes at the taller man.

"I hate you Dream," he groaned and nudged Dream in his side by using his elbow. Dream just let out one of his iconic wheezes before sitting down beside Niki and Sapnap.

The somewhat piece full moment was interrupted by Tommy and Jack racing through the restaurant, almost knocking over every person passing bye. Jack muttered a small 'sorry' as he bumped into one of the waitresses, causing her to drop her drink. When the boys approached the table they both stopped, looking equally disappointed seeing the window seats were already taken. This by Wilbur and Quackity, who looked like they were having an extremely heated discussion, a bit too close to each other.

"Are you two flirting?" Tommy huffed as he fell down in the seat beside Quackity. Wilbur snapped his eyes away from Quackity, shaking his head with a sigh.

"What? No, tiny Q here just can't deal with the fact that he's one of the shortest guys here," Wilbur chuckled, pointing directly at Quackity.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm way taller than George and Sapnap, so why are you calling me tiny Q? While I heard you call Sapnap, and I quote, big man, in the taxi!" the beanie wearing man argued back, seeming to take this a bit too personal.

"It's alright big Q, not everyone can be as tall as me and Wilbur," Tommy grinned as he wrapped an arm around Quackity's shoulder.

"Fuck off Tommy," he grumbled, causing both other males to burst out into laughter.

On the other side of the table was another discussion being held, this one a bit different than the other. "No, you're the Chad!" Sapnap gasped to the man on the opposite side of him.

"You said the only reason you were excited on going here was because there's a whole new manga store down the road. You're obviously the Chad here," Karl scoffed, not even bothering to listen to Sapanap's words.

"You guys know how stupid you guys sound right?" Punz tried intervening, but quickly stopped once seeing the breath glare from both guys.

"Shut up Punz, you're the definition of a Chad, you have no right to say in this argument," Sapnap growled, pointing his finger into Punz's chest.

Their end of the table turned quiet for a few seconds. They all knew it wasn't a real argument between Karl and Sapnap, and that they weren't really mad at each other.

"Well," Karl started, breaking the once silence with a smirk. "At least our relationship isn't as bad as Skeppy and Bad's."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" Bad gasped a few seats away, causing all three of them to burst into laughter.

Everyone's conversations were soon interrupted by someone tapping on their glass. They all turned quiet, snapping their heads towards where the sound had come from. Phil smiled from the end of the table as he stood up from his seat.

"I just wanted to say a few words before we order our celebration food," he smiled, clearing his throat. "I just wanted to say to the crew boys, well played. You guys put up an incredible fight, and you should all be so proud of yourselves for that. As for my team, I congratulate you all as well."

"Yeah, you've all worked so hard for this, and even though it ended better for some of you, I wish for this to be a happy memory further on. Congratulations to you all," Bad continued, standing up as well.

The two coaches smiled at each other as their teams clapped. Just as they sat down, the waiter rushed over to their table ready to take their orders.


When the clock rounded twelve, everyone made their way out of the restaurant and back to their hotels. Even though they all wished they could continue celebrating and enjoying each other's company, they were all exhausted after the game. After all, they had been practicing and working out now stop for the past few weeks. But they all promised to meet up the next day to take the buss home together.

"Wil," Tommy groaned as they all walked outside, entering the coldness of the night. Wilbur sighed at the tone, already recognizing Tommy's tone of voice. He turned around to face the blond behind him.

"What is it Tommy?" he mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Carry me, I'm tired," the younger sighed and reached his arms out. Wilbur chuckled, flicking his arms away.

"Tommy, the hotel is five minutes away, you can walk and sleep when we arrive there," he said and shook his head in denial.

"Dream, you carry me," Tommy huffed, turning to face Dream who was walking beside George beside him.  "Make it a new part of your speedrun. Carrying Tom Simons on your back while running from your friends."

"Right, and who in their right mind would watch that?" Dream chuckled at the younger. Tommy scoffed at his reply.

"Everyone! I'm a star, all the ladies love me and the boys fancy me. You'd make a shit tone, I'm just saying," he yelled back. He then turned to look behind him, where Drista, Alyssa and Puffy were walking, arms locked. "Right girls?"

"As if," Drista chocked a laugh, the others joining in. They, along with the other girls, Dream and George, all suddenly took a left, heading towards where the crew boys had been staying. Drista raised a brow seeing Tommy and Wilbur staring confused at them all. "You guys coming or what?"

"Where are we going? It's way past Tommy's bed time if we're thinking about heading another place," Wilbur joked, earning a nudge to his side by Tommy who sent him a glare.

"I didn't tell you guys? Sorry, I must've forgotten. We're all sleeping over at their hotel. Like a sleepover. Then we'll all leave tomorrow in the morning," Phil spoke from beside Techno and Bad. "Our bags are already moved. Apparently Callahan took care of it."

Everyone turned to look at the boy, who just showed them a thumbs up and nodded.

"Alright then, let's go," Wilbur smiled, settling beside Niki and Karl as they headed towards the hotel.

"Dibs on sleeping next to Gogy!" Tommy yelled as he practically ran over to George's side. They all chuckled, except for George himself, who sent Tommy an unimpressed glare.

"I'm afraid that spot is already taken," Dream grinned as he looked over George to Tommy.

The brunette in between them snapped his head towards Dream with a flushed red face. "I hate you Dream, bye," he pouted and stomped over to walk along with Jack, Tubbo and Ranboo.

Eventually, the faded laughs of the two rival teams disappeared onto the hotel. The town was left in a feeling of euphoria. Even though some wasn't as happy as others with the outcome of the match, they all agreed it would be a night to remember. When the crew boys, in purple, met Sbi, in turquoise.

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