Chapter ten

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Their faces. The two team leaders, just inches apart from each other. For once, the whole stadium was quiet, anxiously waiting for the game to officially begin. Both Dream and Techno would lie if they said they weren't a Toby bit nervous. Not because they thought their teams would lose, but because none of them wanted their team to lose. Everyone had been working so hard, and for all that to just wash away like it was nothing, would just be unfair for them.

While the referee was talking to Phil and Bad about something, Techno and Dream stood a few meters away, none saying a word, just staring at each other. Light blue color meets flashing green.

"What's wrong Dreamie boy? Are you nervous? Scared my team is going to crush yours perhaps?" Techno snickered, trying to edge Dream before the game.

A loud snort left Dream's mouth in response. "I have nothing to be nervous about. Besides, you're the one with sweat dripping down your face before any of us have even touched the ball," he shrugged and pointed at Techno's face.

"That's because my team haven't stopped practicing since last game. We just finished our three our practice a few minutes ago. Guess your team isn't as well prepared?" Techno sneered, his fists clenching shut.

"Eh, we don't need hours of practice to beat you. We used our time to talk strategy, and not exhausting ourselves out right before the game," Dream replied with a wide grin.

Before any of them could say anything more, the referee walked up to them. It was a brown haired man some kind of cap with a shark on it. He looked rather friendly, but something told the boys he wouldn't be as kind as he looked when judging the game. "Alright boys, I want a clean game. No unnecessary tackles and unfair stuff like that. I won't hesitate on kicking you off of the field if you break any rules. Got it?" he said in a strict voice.

"Yes sir," both of them answered in union. The man smiled, holding out a coin in the palm of his hand.

"Sbi, you're heads, crew you're tails," he introduced before throwing the coin in the air. Everyone watching leaned forward, trying to see the result of it. It felt like an eternity as the coin was spinning in the air, before it fell back into the referees palm and he flipped it over on the top of his other hand. "Tails, crew boys, you start."

Dream smirked while Techno sighed. The crowd erupted into a mix cheers or groans. The two leaders switched paths, Dream being handed the ball and lining up into positions. "Hey Techno!" he yelled out right before the referee blew the whistle. "May the best man win!"

Techno scoffed, followed by a short laugh. With that, the referee started the game.

Dream passed the ball behind to Callahan, who was immediately attacked by rushing Sbi players. He had no choice but to throw it back over to Dream.

"Dream, right side!" Karl yelled while waiving his arms hastily. The ball was then passed over to Karl who immediately took off in full spring, passing almost every player on the other team. Punz came rushing on the opposite side of the field. Since almost everyone was now focused on Karl, not enough of them noticed Punz slipping behind.

A small smug reaches Karl's face as he threw the ball over to Punz, immediately getting pushed to the ground afterwards. Wilbur looked down at Karl, in worry that he'd hurt him badly. Football was a rough game, which didn't exactly fit Wilbur's caring personality. The whistle was blown seconds later, crew boys scored the first points.

"You alright there Karl?" he asked, helping Karl up with the ground.

Karl just giggled, shaking his head. "I'm fine, thank you for asking. And nice tackle by the way," he reassured the worried brunette before jogging back to his side of the field to position himself for the next round.

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