Chapter seven

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Tommy wiped his eyes. Was he seeing things? There was no way that could be right. The match had ended with a tie, a fucking tie. That hadn't happened before, at least not to Sbi's team.

45- 45.

"What the hell?" Techno yelled, throwing his arms up as Philza and Bad approached the two teams who were both extremely confused. No wonder. "It can't end with a tie? Why did you end?".

"You realize the match has been going on for more than two hours?". Philza shook his head. "People were leaving, since this clearly wasn't going anywhere".

"So, we talked and decided we'd rather have a rematch than have the match go on for hours. Because honestly, no one would like to watch that", Bad continued Philza's sentence.

"A rematch?" Dream hissed, obviously not a fond of the idea. Neither was Techno.

"Yes. We've already set the date as well. Next week, on Saturday", Philza nodded. At least they didn't have to wait that long, but still.

"Fucking bullshit", Dream muffled just loud enough for others to hear.

"Language!" Bad gasped. Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I know this might upset some of you, but it was the best solution. You were all obviously getting tired, don't even try denying it, we notice. If the game had continued, it would just be a bunch of over exhausted teenagers shoving each other and falling over like baby turtles", Bad chuckled.

Both Techno and Dream scoffed. They seemed to be the only ones who were actually pissed off about the whole rematch concept. Dream was the first to walk off, heading towards the sidelines where George and the girls were standing looking just as confused as the others.

"What happened? Why did they blow it off?" Puffy was quick to question as Dream came closer.

"They decided we're having a rematch instead. Fucking pathetic if you ask me", Dream spat and flopped down on the bench.

The girls looked at each other before looking back at Dream. "But why though?" Hannah asked.

"Because the match had lasted more than enough apparently. People were staring to leave. The rematch will be next Saturday, same place same time I'm guessing", Dream sighed, wiping some sweat off his forehead. Even though he wouldn't like to admit it, he was exhausted. He didn't know if he even could continue playing if they didn't blow it off.

Drista burst out in laughter, clinging onto Puffy's shoulder for support. All eyes turned to her. "That's hilarious! You suck so bad they had to cancel the match because people were leaving?" she laughed uncontrollably, earning a nudge from Puffy. She straightened up and wiped a tear off her chin. "Sorry, but that's really funny".

"Shut up", Dream grunted.

The rest of the team soon came over to them, all looking just as exhausted as Dream but less angry.

"Guys, please see this as a new opportunity. You guys will get a whole week to rest and get ready. Just imagine how well the rematch will go!" Bad tried convincing the team.

"I agree with coach", Karl nodded while resting his arm on Quackity's shoulder. "We'll just have to kick their ass next week. And just imagine the crowd, it'll be humongous!".

"Exactly, thank you Karl", Bad squealed.

"Yeah. I was sweating my ass off out there, I don't think I could've continued playing any longer". Sapnap shook his head.

"I just need you guys to know we called it off for your own good, not to upset you", Bad sighed, crossing his arm.

Callahan laid his hand on Bad's shoulder, nodding in agreement. Everyone looked at him in expectation. But he just stood there, staring at Bad and nodding.

"You're gonna say something there Call?" Sapnap chuckled. Callahan snapped his head and glared at Sapnap who quickly threw his hands up. "No? Ok sorry!".

"You alright there Techno?" Wilbur asked as he took a seat beside Techno on the bench.

Techno just grumbled and looked away. He was not in a good mood anymore. "No, I'm pissed off", he grunted.

"Why?". Wilbur tilted his head slightly to the side.

"What do you mean why? We were obviously winning before they called off! One more minute and we would've got them. I've waited so long for this and I don't want to wait another week!" Techno ranted. Wilbur nodded, looking out onto the field.

"I understand you, but I agree with Philza and Bad's decision", Wilbur sighed. Techno looked at him in confusion. "I mean, even though you weren't exhausted and wanted to keep going, many of our teammates weren't. And that would've slowed us down if we continued".

Wilbur pointed at Tubbo, Tommy and Jack who were laying on the ground panting heavily. It wasn't exactly surprising that they were exhausted, since they had been playing nonstop for two hours. Even Techno had ran out of breath out there, but he would never admit to that.

"I guess", Techno scoffed.

While laughing, Wilbur stood up from the bench and reached out a hand to Techno. "Come on, we're going out for pizza to celebrate", he smiled as Techno took his hand and stood up.

"Celebrate what exactly?" Techno chuckled while they walked down the field towards the gates.

"Don't know, I think it's just an excuse to get pizza", Wilbur shrugged.

As both teams were in the parking lot, Drista and Tommy crossed paths. They glared at each other. "Kinda embarrassing losing the match. Not pog Tommy", Drista smirked.

"Fuck off, you didn't win either", Tommy gasped.

"Eh, at least we were close to. You didn't have any chance", Drista shrugged before heading towards Dream's car. "I'm looking forward to my team making you cry next match!".

"Men don't cry!" Tommy yelled back as he raised his chest and put his arms on his hips like some kind of superhero.

"I know, but you're a child!" she yelled and jumped into the back seat of the car.

Tommy's mouth dropped open. "Fucking bastard", he muttered to himself.

Ok, so I mainly did this because I don't know who should win. Please help me decide guys, because I don't want to! I love both these "teams". The rematch will most likely be in the next chapter.

Also, thank you so much for 1k! That's amazing! I love you all so much <3

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