Chapter four

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"Why are we doing this again?" Puffy groaned as she tried getting a better grip on the freezing cold box.

"Because, coach Bad said to bring it here. That way George will be able to get it easily on game day", Hannah repeated herself. They had only been carrying the box full of ice cubes from Hannah's car and onto the field, yet, Hannah had explained three times why they were doing this.

The two made their way inside one of the Feral Boys booths and placed the box inside. "You sure they aren't going to melt? I mean, it's four days until the match", Puffy frowned.

"It's called a freezing box for a reason Puffy", Hannah mumbled, grabbing something from the box. She turned around and handed Puffy a coke. "Had to take use of it".

"You're a genius", Puffy giggled. A few yelling noises outside caused the two to turn around and scurry out of the booth.

"Nope, no chance", Drista yelled Minx who was standing beside her laughing her ass off.

"I would totally beat your ass Drista, you're a fucking freshman, and I'm a senior", Minx continued laughing. Her accent and laughter made it ten times harder for the others to understand her.

"Have they been doing this for long?" Puffy smirked, crossing her arms beside a giggling Niki.

"Yup, ever since we arrived", Niki smiled, shaking her head slightly.

Even though the boys from Sbi and from the Feral Boys hated each other's guts, the girls got along great. Ever since they were both going to practice on the field at the same time and decided to just practice together as a group, they had been good friends. So when they found out both their teams were playing against each other, they couldn't be more excited.

"Girls, calm down. Minx, you said it yourself, you're older than her so act like it. Drista, please put the fork down", Alyssa tried calming the girls down. Her voice was always so smooth, so soft.

Drista stuck her tongue out before shoving her fork in the hem of her skirt.

"You always keep that there?" Hannah questioned and pointed to the fork sticking out of Drista's skirt.

"Of course, you never know when you might need it", Drista shrugged. They all had to admit, she was kinda scary.

A ball suddenly landed right beside Niki, causing her to flinch and grip onto Puffy's shoulder. "Sorry ladies", a orange haired guy apologized while picking up the ball and scurrying away.

The guy turned around, throwing the ball back to another guy who was too far away to see the details of. Minx walked over to Nik and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"Puffy could've thrown better than any of those cunts. In my opinion, she should be one of the players", Minx grinned. Puffy blushed a bit at the sweet compliment. It was usual for Minx to compliment her and 'simp' for her, but it still caught her off guard every single time.

"Agreed", Niki nodded.

"Aw, thank you guys", Puffy thanked them.

Practice didn't last very long, since the field was soon taken by some kind of team entering. The girls packed their stuff, swinging their bags over their shoulders before walking to their cars.

Drista jumped in the backseat of Puffy's car as Puffy and Hannah took their seats in the front. She had an hilarious prank planned out, but she would need their help for it.

"Guys, wanna drive to my place? The boys are there and I thought we could annoy them", she smirked.

"Sure thing", Hannah nodded, Puffy silently agreeing with her.

They drove through the town for a good ten minutes before finally arriving at Dream and Drista's house. It was a normal looking house, white walls, black roof, two stories. Their family wasn't wealthy but they weren't broke either.

Drista quickly jumped out of her seat and practically dragged the two girls inside the house while trying to be as quiet as possible for the boys not to hear them.

"Quackity you idiot! I know that was you!" George gasped as his gta character was shot. Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were laughing their asses off while George yelled at them. "You guys are so stupid".

"Waaa waaa", Quackity mocked him.

"Dream!" George grunted, trying to get Dream to come to his rescue, as he always did.

"George!" Dream laughed in return. George only glared at him. "Quackity you go get some more soda".

"Fine whatever", Quackity mumbled and stood up, making his way over to the door. Once placing his hand on the basement doorknob, it was pushed open and three figures wearing Halloween masks jumped inside.

Quackity shrieked, falling back and hitting the floor. Karl gasped his all so feminine gasp. (Y'all know the one). The figures irrupted into laughter while pointing at the poor guy sitting on the floor.

"What the hell?". Punz snapped his head back to look at the figures.

They suddenly took their masks off. It was just Puffy, Hannah and Drista. "You should've seen your face big Q!" Drista laughed hysterically.

"I fucking hate you guys", Quackity groaned, finally getting up on his feet. "You're assholes".

"Karma is a bitch", George whispered to Dream, followed by a light giggle from both of them.

"So, what are you guys playing?" Hannah asked as the girls sat down on the floor by the tv.

"Just some gta. Dream doesn't have any interesting games. He only got gta, Minecraft and Fortnite", Sapnap chuckled.

"He's such a loser", Punz laughed which earned a death glare from Dream.

"I told you I just got this PlayStation last weekend! I haven't had time to install any more games", Dream defended himself, but it didn't really seem to convince anyone. They were all still laughing and mocking him.

"How about we watch a movie instead?" Puffy suggested.

"Good idea", Karl nodded.

Dream grabbed the control from George's hands, switching over to Netflix and scrolling through the different categories. "Alright, what do people wanna watch?" he asked.

"Not horror, I'd like myself some sleep tonight", Karl said quickly.

"Come on Karl, horror is the best category! Please, it'll be hilarious seeing Dream piss himself like the piss baby he is", Quackity pleaded as he took a seat beside Karl.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun! And if you get scared, you can just cling onto me", Sapnap winked.

"You're an idiot", Karl chuckled, sighing afterwards. "Fine, we can watch a horror movie. But if I'm tired at tomorrow's practice, its you guys's fault!".

"Deal", Hannah nodded.

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