Chapter two

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George and Dream made their way back to their team after seeing the blond guy running off. The two had different ideas on what just happened. George thought the guy was just in a hurry, while Dream knew they had scared him off. It made a grin creep up on his face. If the rest of Sbi were easily scared like him, it would be an easy competition. Dream couldn't wait to kick their ass.

"Who was that guy?" Sapnap asked as Dream and George had arrived. They separated, George taking a seat on the ground next to laughing Karl and Quackity, Dream standing next to Sapnap, Punz and Callahan to join their warmup.

"Someone was Sbi, don't know what he was doing here all alone", Dream shrugged as he stretched his arms.

"Their practice just finished, me and Call saw a bunch of them in the parking lot when we arrived", Punz breathed once coming up from one of his sit ups.

"Makes sense", Sapnap nodded, continuing on his own exercise. "But why were you talking to him George?".

Dream actually wondered that himself. He knew George had offered the guy water but nothing more than that. Maybe there was more context behind it?

"He was having a heat stroke, of course I wasn't going to let him suffocate to death", George mumbled. Karl calmed down from his laughing, wiping a tear away from his eye.

"Aw, Gogy with his kind little heart", he said in awe, totally messing up George's hair with his hand.

"Why did the guy run off though?". Punz turned his attention back to Dream who just took off his green mask which had been covering his mouth the entire time.

"Scared", Dream chuckled.

"Dream what have I told you about scaring away kids? It's not nice and mom doesn't like it!" a feminine voice hummed behind Dream. Puffy, Alyssa, Hannah and Drista walked to where the boys were standing, all wearing their cheerleading outfits.

"This time it wasn't a kid", Dream grunted at his sister's comment. Drista nudged her elbow into Dream's stomach, causing him to wince a bit. Even though she was smaller and younger than everyone on the team, no one dared getting on her bad side. She'd pull out her fork at any given situation. Like literally, she always carried a fork with her.

"Ok boys, let's just start. We'll do a practice round. Karl, Punz and Sapnap against Dream and Callahan". Bad raised his voice so he would gain everyone's attention as he walked up to the group.

Bad had been the teams coach ever since the team got together. None of them wanted to switch him out at any costs, he was part of the family. He was mostly sweet, but could get really angry and loud if someone or something pissed him off. Thankfully he knew how to calm himself down.

Everyone got to their places, well, everyone except Quackity, who was still sitting on the ground. "Coach, you forgot about me!". He threw his arms up.

"No, I didn't. You're benched. That's your punishment for making us lose our last game because of your little singing sesh", Bad grumbled, making his way over the one of the goals to get a better view of the field. Quackity silently cursed himself out as he made his way over to the bench, flopping down on it.

The little practice game began, and Quackity couldn't give more of a shit about what was going on. When he wasn't included in something, it didn't interest him.

"Imagine getting benched because of singing", George laughed behind him, leaning his arms on the back of the bench.

"Shut the fuck up. Go get some water since that's the only thing you're here to do", Quackity spat in return.

"Language!" Bad yelled from over by the goal. Somehow, Bad always heard when someone cussed and was quick as lightning to shut them up, it was kinda creepy actually.

"Quackity, be nice!" Dream warned as he ran past the bench. George chuckled before walking over to the girls who were making posters for the big match next week.

Feral boys against Sbi. Both teams in the top leagues but has never played against each other. It was a big town, with many teams but it was still a bit strange they had never met each other in a match. Either way, the whole town was looking forward to the match. The whole town was basically split in two, some were feral boys supporters, some were Sbi supporters. So this match would be one of the biggest events that would be held in a long time.

The thought of it all sent shivers down Quackity's spine. If it was excitement or fear didn't matter, he just wanted the day to come. They had been preparing, practicing, and waiting for this for many months now. And that would all be worth it if they kicked Sbi's ass. Oh how Quackity dreamed about dancing the L-dance in front of their pouting faces. It would be a hilarious event, if they won. But if they didn't, it would be the most embarrassing thing in all their lives. They couldn't allow that to happen.

"Alright, take a few rounds around the track to cool down", Bad yelled. An hour had passed of them just playing, passing balls to each other and trying new tactics. To Quackity's pleasure, he was eventually allowed to join in.

Everyone except George started running, even the girls joined. They usually practiced somewhere else and came to the boys' practice to cheer them up, but decided it wouldn't hurt for a run. 

"What were you and Quackity laughing about earlier?". Sapnap jogged over to Karl's side, slowing a bit down in the process.

"I can't even remember, some stupid stuff about Quackity seeing Bad with some kind of guy dressed in all turquoise", Karl chuckled. "He said it looked like they were on a date or something along the lines of that".

"What the hell?" Sapnap laughed, Karl joining him shortly after.

"You know, me, Quackity, Dream, and George were heading out to grab some burgers after practice, wanna join?" Karl asked, desperately trying to keep up with Sapnap's quick paste. The two were now running in the front, both seeming a bit out of breath.

"Sounds good, what about the others?" Sapnap swallowed some dry spit.

"The girls are staying to practice, Punz apparently has a family dinner to attend, and Call has to watch his neighbors dog. Typically Callahan", Karl giggled his iconic giggle.

"Right, well I'd love grabbing some burgers, I'm starving", Sapnap nodded as they finished their fifth and final lap.

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