Chapter three

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Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy, Techno, Jack, and Phil entered the gates leading into the huge football field. They all made their over to the benches, settling down their bags. Some were already dressed up while others sat down to get their gear on.

Only one week until the big match against Feral Boys. These next practices were going to be more intense than they had ever been, but everyone was ready for it. They had all slept a few extra hours this weekend so they were already to work their asses off.

Phil loved seeing his team determined and would do his best to keep motivating them throughout it all. He knew they all wanted this win, badly, and the last thing he wished for was seeing their broken faces if they lost. So he wasn't letting that happen, not a chance.

"Ok boys, gather in a circle!" Phil yelled once seeing that everyone had gotten their gear on. In less than ten seconds they were doing as they were told, gathered in a circle. "I know these next days will be tough, but I also know that you will all make it through. If we keep motivating and helping each other, we can do anything".

"Yeah yeah, enough sweet talking, let's get to work", Techno grunted, grabbing the ball from the ground and hurrying out onto the field. As he did, he noticed something very unpleasant on the other end of the field. A group of people wearing familiar colored clothing. Purple and black, Feral Boys.

"What's wrong Techno?" Ranboo asked appearing on Techno's side. Once he looked in the same direction Techno was staring at, he realized. "Oh".

Before anything else happened, Techno made his way over to them. Fists clutched, eyebrows furrowing together. No way those bastards were taking the field on their workout time. One of the guys standing there seemed to notice Techno walking towards them and started walking towards him as well.

"What is he doing?" Tubbo shrieked as the whole team was now watching the two opponents walking up towards each other.

"Better question, why are they here?" Jack added, turning to Phil for an answer.

"No idea, I thought the field would be empty today, but it seems like they thought the same", Phil shrugged.

Techno's eye contact with the guy walking towards him never broke. The guy was tall, but still slightly shorter than himself, had blond hair and bright green eyes. His eyes matching with his face mask.

After what seemed like an eternity of just walking, the two finally met at the middle of the field.

"Well hello", Techno greeted sarcastically. "What a pleasant surprise to see a Feral boy in real life".

"Cut the shit pink boy, what the hell are you and your team doing here? We're using the field today", the guy snapped in a not so friendly tone.

"Wow, no need to be aggressive. I just came over to say hello and tell you to gather your team and fuck off. We are using the field today", Techno spat in return.

"Yeah well we aren't leaving". The guy crossed his arms, tilting his head up a bit.

Karl looked over at Dream and some guy from Sbi. The guy had pink hair which in Karl's opinion was pretty bad ass. Dream looked pissed, the whole situation seemed really tense. Worry grew in him as he watched the two getting closer and closer.

Sapnap suddenly laid his head onto Karl's lap, closing his eyes slightly. "God, I really didn't need this today", he grunted.

Karl smiled and laid his hand on Sapnap's forehead since he could tell Sapnap needed it. He then looked back over at the guys who were now pointing at some blond guy standing at the other side of the field.

"Things look pretty tense over there. Should we do something? They look like they want to rip each other's heads off", Karl frowned.

"Don't worry Karl, they're putting in that blondie over", Punz said from beside him.

"Neither are we", Techno smirked. An idea suddenly popped up. "What if we compete for it? Whoever wins gets to stay".

"Ok sounds fair", the guy agreed, looking around to come up with something. His eyebrows shot up and Techno spotted a grin forming under his green mask. "Whoever dubs that guy with the ball, gets to stay. If no one hits, we will just have to try again".

Techno turned to look in the direction the guy was pointing and saw Tommy out of the field, seeming to talk to himself. As much as Techno didn't want to hit Tommy, he knew he'd definitely win this challenge since he was one of the best on his team at throwing.

"Deal, this dub is mine bitch boy", Techno grinned, shaking hands with the guy before turning around and launching his arm back.

"You better watch your mouth daddy's money", the guy scoffed. How that guy knew about Techno's father wasn't in his interest at the moment. His only goal was knocking Tommy over so their team would get to stay. He took a deep breath before throwing the ball. Everyone watched as the ball flew threw the air.

Tommy turned around after hearing someone yell his name. A ball flew in his direction, so he guessed he was supposed to catch it. "I got it! I got it!" Tommy squealed and started running backwards with his arms in the air.

Finally, it hit Tommy directly in his face, causing him to lose balance and fall over. "Hah, I win!" Techno laughed in the guy's shocked face.

"Tom! Tommy!" Wilbur yelled and scurried over to the boy laying on the ground.

"Fuck", Tommy groaned, laying flat on his stomach. "Who the hell did that?".

"Uh". Wilbur scratched the back of his head as he watched Techno jog over.

"Tommy I'm very sorry for hitting you. But in good news, we get to stay and those bitch asses leaves! Isn't that great?" Techno exclaimed, enthusiastic.

"So you sacrificed me for the field?" Tommy gasped, sitting up and rubbing the side of his forehead which already had a bump on it.

"It's what had to be done", Techno sighed like it was some kind of movie quote. Almost everything Techno said was something out of a movie, the team never seemed to understand how he did it.

Dream returned to his team pissed off and not in the mood for anything at the moment. "Sorry guys, we gotta go", he exclaimed. Everyone grunted, some more upset than others, including Sapnap and Punz. Sapnap raised his head from  Karl's lap and looked at Dream who was fuming while packing his stuff.

"You ok Dream?" George whispered.

"I'm fine, just embarrassed". Dream shook his head and continued packing his stuff. It was embarrassing. He had lost, he had disappointed his team.

"Dream, you can't always be perfect, and you know that. That guy was a good thrower, you couldn't have known", George confronted his best friend.

"I did know, I just thought I was finally good enough to beat him", Dream said under his breath.

"What?". George tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Never mind, let's get out of here. Practice isn't fun without the girls anyway, right?" Dream smiled, completely changing the topic of the conversation.

"Yeah, the team isn't complete without them", George giggled. Dream agreed, throwing his arm around George's shoulder as the whole team walked out of the field disappointed but keeping their head up.

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