Chapter six

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Short A/n:
I just wanted you guys to know that I have never actually watched a football game, so I barely know how the sport works. (Mostly because the sport isn't played that much in my country). I'll try my best though, but I won't be going into detail. Hope you enjoy it either way!

The whole team walked onto the stadium, which was already stuffed with people. First the girls, then the boys after. Tubbo's stage fright started to kick in, realizing the amount of people watching their every movement. They had been playing in front of people before, but not this big of an amount.

Ranboo grabbed his hand to reassure his best friend that it was going to be ok. Tubbo smiled a bit the taller boy before waiving to the cheering crowd. So many excited faces. The team didn't even want to think about what those faces would look like if their team didn't win. It gave them more determination than ever. They just couldn't disappoint everyone supporting and cheering for them.

Feral boys entered the field as well but from the opposite side. Dream was walking in front since he was the team leader. The whole team was waiving to the crowd, some a little more excited than others. One of them being Karl. The boy was waiving like his life was depending on it. That was Karl, always staying positive and bubbly even in the more nerve wrecking situations.

Coach Bad and the girls had stayed on the sideline. Even though they weren't playing, they were just as nervous for their team. George wasn't playing either but insisted on coming onto the field before the game started. No matter how many times Bad told him no, he wouldn't itch.

"Let's go easy on them", Dream smirked, making direct eye contact with Techno who was leading his team onto the field as well.

"Let's make this quick boys", Techno grinned as he kept his stand.  

The teams met at the middle where coach Philza was standing with the football in hand. "Ok boys, I want to see a clean play. No nasty comments or unnecessary fighting. At the end of the day, it's just a sport", Philza sighed, talking to both teams.

He obviously wasn't a person to treat his own team differently from the other, which made that match more fair. Both teams would have the same rules, no matter what.

"Feral boys, you start. Good luck boys", Philza said and threw the ball to Dream. He then turned around, backed away a bit and watched as both teams got into their positions.

"Good luck", George winked towards Dream as he was walking off the field.

"I'll win it for you Gogy", Dream smirked, earning a disgusted glare from George.

"You're an idiot", George scoffed and turned his back to Dream.

As soon as everyone was into positions, Philza blew his whistle, meaning the game had started. Dream threw the ball between his legs to Callahan who was standing behind him.

Sbi immediately rushed towards him in an attempt to grab the ball. Callahan threw the ball to Sapnap, who threw it to Karl. Now since everyone on Sbi we're on the opposite side of the field, it allowed Karl to run straight over to their side. He wasn't the buffest on the team, but he was surely the fastest.

Once reaching the white line, he threw the ball on the ground. The crowd interrupted into a cheers, many standing up and throwing their hands up in the air.

Techno grunted, returning to his position. They just got a lucky start, that's all. But from now on, Techno wouldn't go so easy on them.

As time of the match hit thirty minutes, the game stopped for the teams to take their second break. Both teams were breathing heavily.

"Good job guys, we're currently in the lead", coach Bad applauded his team once they reached the sidelines. Dream turned his head to look at the score board. 17 - 21, Feral boys were in the lead. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth. "Keep this going and we'll win".

"We'll win no matter what when I'm on the field", Quackity exclaimed with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Now that you mentioned it, you're benched until the next break Quackity", Bad hummed.

Quackity stood up from his seat in shock. "What? Why?" he yelled.

"You gotta do something with your ego before going back there. This is a team sport, you can't just take the ball and run off on your own. All the times you've tried, you've failed", Bad scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever", Quackity huffed and sat down on the bench with his arms crossed.

As the others continued talking, George crept his way behind Quackity. "Benched again?" he asked, knowing it would annoy the hell out of Quackity who was suddenly in a bad mood.

"Shut up water boy", Quackity sneered back.

"We're gonna lose aren't we? We're gonna disappoint everyone!" Tubbo muffled as he paced back and forth.

The rest of the team was calm, yet Tubbo was panicking. Their team was behind by four points, and Tubbo couldn't help but feel like it was his fault.

"Maybe you guys should just kick me off", Tubbo sighed. Jack suddenly stood up from the bench and scurried over to Tubbo, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Can you please, shut the fuck up and stop doubting yourself. It's four points, we got half the time left, we're going to be just fine. None of this is your fault and if it was, we would have already threw you off the team. Yet, you're here!" Jack said in such a determined and motivational voice, it brightened up, not only Tubbo's, but the whole team's mood.

"I agree with Manifold", Tommy nodded. "You're an idiot for doubting yourself Tubbo".

"I suggest we go kick some ass", Wilbur smirked, joining in on the conversation. "Let's show them who they're messing with".

The last thirty minutes of the match was more intense than the first half. The points were tight up to each other all the time. If one team were in the lead, the other immediately went passed them, and so on.

Both teams were exhausted, but refused giving up. The match went into overtime, an hour overtime. People couldn't stand the anticipation of watching. It was so nerve wracking.

Suddenly Philza blew the whistle, signalizing that the match was over. Everyone on both teams snapped their heads to the score board. Their faces went into shock, their mouth hanging open.

No way.

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