Chapter eight

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The day was finally here. After a week of non stop preparations, late night workout hours, hours of jogging, both teams were finally ready for the rematch. Nobody thought anything could top the last match between the crew boys and Sbi, but that was all proven wrong when the tickets were put out. They were sold out immediately, and people started complaining about not being able to attend. Some even started bidding on the tickets, offering hundreds of dollars.

The match eventually had to be moved to another town's field. Both teams, along with the almost everyone in town, had to travel an hour to watch and play the match.

Now, each team was staying at each their individual hotel in the town they were playing. It was the day before the match, both teams had just woken up from their slumber. The time was eight am, the match was starting six pm.

"Sapnap!" Karl yelled into the sleeping man's ear. Everyone in their room, which was Quackity, Karl and Callahan, had woken up and were dressed for breakfast. Well, everyone except Sapnap. He wasn't and had never been a morning person, so getting him out of bed at seven in the morning was a real struggle for his friends. "You have to get out of bed, or you'll miss breakfast."

Sapnap just groaned in response, shuffling in the comfy bed. The two of them were suddenly joined by Quackity jumped into the bed and shaking the sleeping man by the shoulders, brutally. "Get your motherfucking ass out of bed!" he screamed while jumping on the bed.

Karl just sat back, watching as Sapnap's eyes suddenly shot up and he immediately pushed Quickly off of him, causing both of the to abruptly fall of the bed. They started tackling each other, pinning each other down and throwing weak punches.

"You guys are a bunch of nimrods," Karl scoffed, rolled his eyes and jumped off of the bed. "I'm going down, care to join me Call?"

Callahan looked up from his book with a surprised look. A smile spread across his lips as he nodded. "Great, let's go. I really don't want to miss the pancakes," Karl squealed and made his way across the room along with Callahan. Before walking out the door, both turned around to look at the boys fighting on the ground.

They both stopped fighting when they noticed the silence in the room, both heads peeking up from behind the bed. Karl just rolled his eyes at them, grabbed Callahan's wrist and dragged the two of them out of the room.

"Wait, wait for us!" Quackity's voice yelled out after them once they started walking down the hallway.

Everyone was gathered around the tables in the breakfast area, all eating like their life was depending on it. They had a long day ahead of them and probably wouldn't eat until after the match, so their stomachs had to be full.

"Hey, you stole my pancake you asshole!" Drista gasped at Dream once she finally noticed her missing pancake. Dream just scoffed, shaking his head.

"Didn't mom ever teach you not to make assumptions without any proof?" he teased his little sister, ruffling her already unfixed hair.

"Yeah, well she also taught me how to do this," she responded, kicking Dream's shin under the table, causing him to wince in pain. She then lifted her foot off the ground and stepped on his foot, roughly. "And also this."

"Ouch, that really hurt!" Dream winced as he held onto his leg under the table.

"Aw, is baby Dweam gonna cwy?" Drista mimicked him and his tone of voice. George coughed out a laugh, overhearing the conversation in between the siblings. Dream nudged George's stomach, silently telling him to shut up.

"Sorry, sorry, but she's funny," George said in his defense. Drista just grinned widely before continuing on her breakfast.

"Alright everyone!" coach Bad yelled to gain the team's attention. It didn't seem to work at first, so he raised his voice. "Hey! Will you muffin heads just close your mouths and listen to me!"

With that, everyone shut up and looked over at Bad, who's face turned all pink from the attention. He cleared his throat and straightened his back. "Sorry for yelling. Anyhow, we need to discuss today's tactics. But before all that, I just want to say, no matter what the outcome of today is, I'm really proud of every single one of you. You've worked so hard for this, and I'm proud to be called your coach," Bad started, with a soft smile on his lips.

"Yeah yeah, just call out the positions!" Quackity called out. Bad glared at him for a moment before looking down on his board.

"Alright then, let's start with you Quackity, you'll be on the bench for the first twenty minutes of the game," Bad smirked, earning a loud gasp from Quackity.

"What? Again? What the hell!" he gasped.

"Hey, no arguing with the couch, I'll gladly put you on the bench for the rest of the game if that's what you'd like," Bad warned the man. Both of them turned quiet. "Sorry, that was mean. It's just for the first twenty minutes Quackity, you'll be out for the rest of the game."

Quackity just scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, muttered something under his breath.

"Dream, quarterback and teamleader. Linebacker, Sapnap," Bad started before continuing on the positions.

It was twelve a clock, and the team had just stepped onto the bus. They had a good amount of time before the actual game was starting, but they were going to do some final practicing before hand. Everyone was excited for the match, none being able to sit still. All except Sapnap, of course, who was now snoring loudly as he rested his head on Dream's shoulder.

"I'm so showing this to him later," Punz snickered as he snapped a picture of a sleepy Sapnap and a miserable looking Dream.

"That's rude Punz!" Quackity sighed at the man beside him. Punz turned to face him with a puzzled look on his face. "Send it to me."

The puzzled face immediately lit up as they both started snickering and looking through the photos.

Callahan looked over at Karl, who was smiling and enjoying the view from the window. He brought his hand to tap the brunette's shoulder, instantly gaining his attention. "Yeah Call? What's up?" Karl asked with a soft smile.

Pointing at his earplugs, he tilted his head to the side, silently asking if Karl wanted to listen to his music. Karl's face lit up in joy before nodding quickly. "Oh I'd love to, thanks Call!" he agreed and plugged one of the plugs into his ear.

Soon, both of the boys had fallen asleep to Callahan's music. Karl resting his head on the other boy's shoulder, while Callahan rested his on top of Karl's.

This time, Punz and Sapnap weren't snickering, just watching in awe at their adorable friends.

Hey, it's me again! Oh my god, I'm so so sorry for not posting in like, two months. I've been struggling with some stuff, and since school started, I've been really occupied with work. But I'm finally back and will be trying to post more recently. <3

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