Chapter nine

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"Wake your ass up!" Tommy yelled as he threw the pillow onto Wilbur's face, which caused the older man to groan in annoyance and look over at Tommy.

"I've been awake for half an hour now Tommy, look, I'm even dressed," he sighed and pointed at his outfit.

"I know, I just really wanted to throw a pillow in your face," Tommy shrugged before swinging his feet off of the bed and jumping out.

"You're really rude Tommy, you know that?" Jack said from the other side of the room.

Tommy scoffed at the reply. "Shut up Jack, you're really bald, did you know that?" he sneered at the other.

"Geez Tommy, what's for you in such a bad mood today?" Jack chuckled at his response.

"It's game night, I have to put my poker face on now. You know, to be prepared to face those crew boys asshats," Tommy explained while putting his shoes on.

"I like the sound of that," Jack smirked and walked over to the door.

After getting ready, the three of the roommates all made their way out the door to get downstairs and eat breakfast. They were meeting everyone else downstairs as well. Last night, they had all arrived to the hotel they would be staying at for the next few days, at ten am, so barely got any time to explore. All they did was go to their selected bedrooms and sleep.

The rooms were so. Tommy, Jack and Wilbur. Tubbo, Ranboo and Techno. And then couch Philza had his own room. Even though Techno practically begged Philza to let him stay in his room, it was to no use. The couches had to have their own room, and that was final.

The girls had also come along, obviously, since they were also a big part of the team. Minx and Niki were sharing a room. Lani and Teagan, Tubbo's sisters, had insisted on coming along to cheer the team on, so they were sharing a room as well.

"Good morning lads, sleep well?" Philza smiled as he patted Tommy's shoulder. They all just groaned in response, sitting down at the table along with everyone else.

"I slept horrible, because someone in my room snores like a fucking pig!" Tubbo mumbled with his mouth stuffed with scrambled egg.

"It's not my fault, my nose is stuffed!" Ranboo gasped and smacked Tubbo's arm lightly.

"Well is it my fault?" Tubbo asked, turning to face Ranboo beside him.

"Well, kinda. You're the one who told me not to bring a jacket, and when we arrive it's raining cats and dogs! I should've listened to my mom," Ranboo shrugged, continuing to eat his food.

"You're annoying," Tubbo grumbled.

"Pst, Niki," Minx whispered to the girl seated beside her. Niki raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Niki, hey, pst."

"Yes, Minx?" Niki chuckled.

"We're meeting up with the crew girls after the match tonight. We're going out. I've already talked to Philza, he says it's fine as long as we're back before twelve. So, you in? Please say you're in!" Minx explained quietly but quickly.

"Fine, is Puffy coming?" Niki smirked shyly.

"Of course she is! Don't worry, we'll get a bunch of chances to make out with her," Minx joked and winked over at Niki, who immediately flustered red and shook her head.

"Hey, Techno," Jack grinned over at the pink headed man. Techno huffed and looked over at Jack. "Wanna know something really cool?"

"What is it?" Techno groaned, not really wanting to have this conversation.

"I've brought my burger stove, which means I'll be able to make burgers for us whenever we'd like! We could even scan some kids, selling them burgers for five dollars! Isn't that great?" Jack explained enthusiastically.

"Wow, that's, good for you Jack," Techno winced, patting Jack's shoulder. "Good for you."

"Thanks," he smiled widely.

The team made their way onto the bus, all exhausted from the long jog Philza had made them do a few minutes earlier. Everyone found their seat next to each other. Philza and Techno. Tommy and Wilbur. Ranboo and Tubbo. Niki and Minx. Lani and Teagan. While Jack had to sit alone in the back, miserably.

"It's fine guys, I need the space for my burger grill anyway," Jack shrugged them off as he placed his grill onto the seat beside him.

Niki turned around to snap a picture of him, sending it to the girls group chat. Just as she did, Puffy sent three pictures of their team's bus ride as well. One to Quackity and Punz laughing their asses off, one of Sapnap sleeping on Dream's shoulder, and another one of Karl and Callahan listening to music together, both sleeping heavily.

Puffy - Why did Jack bring a grill to a football match?

Niki - I have absolutely no idea.
Hey, how's you guys's ride going? From what you just sent, it seems like it's going a bit more normal than ours.

As she typed that, Niki turned around in her seat to look behind her. Tommy was pouting while Wilbur tried explaining him something. Tubbo was hitting Ranboo in the face with a bee plushie. Lani and Teagan were both sound asleep. Minx, who was sitting beside Niki, was talking about how she would trash on Quackity if Sbi won.

Puffy - Trust me, this is not normal. God, Sapnap just threw up all over Dream's lap. I gotta go, but cya at the field ;)

Niki - Oh my god, yeah you better go. Wish him well for me! Bye <3

After an hour long bus trip, the team finally made it to where the game would be held. They were surprised to see a bunch of fans already lined up outside the stadium, many of them holding posters or foam fingers. Some had even painted their faces in either of the team colors.

Tommy fished his phone out of his back pocket and snapped a picture of the crowd. "I'm so showing this to the girls at my school," he snickered to himself.

Sbi made their way into the locker rooms and changed to their football outfits. After so, they walked out onto the large field. All were left speechless as they took in the view. The field was perhaps twice the size of the one back home. The tribunes could probably fit around ten thousand people or even more. There was huge light casters shining down onto the green grass, lighting up the whole field from the darkness already surrounding the sky.

"This is fucking inside! Phil, how did you manage to do this?" Wilbur gasped and rushed over to Phil's side, who had started putting some equipment down onto one of the benches.

"Apparently, they asked the crew boys' couch Bad, if we would all like to play the rematch here, no price and no catch," Phil explained while shrugging.

"That's awesome!" Tubbo smiled, standing beside Wilbur. Wilbur looked down over at him with a large smile, which Tubbo returned the gesture of.

"Alright, boys!" Phil suddenly announced, gaining the whole team's attention at once. "There's no time to waste. Let's make these last hours count. Give me three laps around the court, then we'll practice some tackles, yeah? Great, go ahead."

With that, the last hours of practice, began.

Ok, so the next chapter will be the actual game! Would you guys like two different chapters, one where sbi wins, and one where crew boys wins? Because I could do so. Or should I just have one chapter with one winner? Help me out!

Also, I'm aware that 'the feral boys' have now changed their name to 'crew boys', so I'll be writing that from now on!

Thank you <3

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