Chapter five

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Two days, only two days until the big match between Sbi and Feral Boys. The whole town was going wild. All merchandise was sold out along with all white, turquoise, black, and purple face coloring. Everyone had been waiting so long for this match, and it was happening in two days.

Both teams had been working their asses off, practicing five hours every day. Practice could include anything from practicing techniques to running for an hour straight. Both teams were exhausted, but more ready and motivated than ever.

Sbi had gone out for pizzas after their four hour long practice. Everyone was there, even coach Philza. While they were all eating their pizzas, Techno was deep in thought. Of course he was excited for the match, he had been all year, but he was also a nervous wreck.

The whole team counted on him being the one leading them to victory, the one being intimidating and not afraid. That's what made him worry more. All that pressure from the people he loved dearly. He would rather never play football again than disappoint them.

"Techno?". A voice and a hand placed on his shoulder brought him out of his train of thoughts. His eyes shot up, seeing Philza looking at him with a worried look.

"Huh, what?" Techno hummed, shaking his head.

"You haven't even touched your pizza, is everything alright?" Philza asked in concern.

"I'm fine, just don't have a huge appetite at the moment", Techno grumbled as a reply. That was a lie, his stomach was crumbling and twisting, but he didn't want Philza to be concerned.

"Are you kidding me? You're the one who wanted to go here? Come on Techno, you can tell me. What's bothering you mate?" Philza smiled.

Techno sighed, realizing he couldn't bare lying to Philza anymore. "I'm just a little nervous about the match, that's all. I just don't want to disappoint anyone. It's so much pressure", he mumbled quickly and quietly.

There was a short pause between the two where no one spoke.

"You won't disappoint anyone. Football is a team sport remember? If we lose, no one will blame it on you, it would be everyone's fault. I promise you, you're going to do great, and if not, that's completely fine", Philza reassured him.

"Thanks Phil", Techno smiled and took a slice of pizza, stuffing it in his mouth.


"What the hell?" Dream gasped at the sight of Sapnap walking over towards him while wearing a tight black top with some kind of dog choker around his neck. He sighed, glaring at Karl who was walking beside him with an arm wrapped around Sapnap.

"Don't question it", Sapnap warned as the two approached the whole team. Everyone was glaring at Sapnap curiously.

"So you expect us to just ignore the fact you're wearing a choker and a turtle neck to our last practice before the huge game?" Punz chuckled.

"Yes, let's just get on with practice", Sapnap spat. After a few quiet seconds, everyone shrugged it off and started practicing different kinds of workouts.

Sapnap unwrapped his arm around Karl and walked over to Quackity. "Dude, why the hell are you wearing that?" Quackity laughed, earning a shoulder nudge from Sapnap.

"I lost a bet against Karl", Sapnap mumbled kinda embarrassed.

"What was the bet about?". Quackity tilted his head.

"Well we were hanging out and drinking our monsters when Karl suggested betting for who could chug the rest of their monster the fastest. His can was nearly full while mine was almost empty, so I thought it would be an easy win. But somehow he chugged the whole thing in less than three seconds, meaning I lost and had to wear this to practice", Sapnap explained while looking over at Karl who was jogging beside Callahan.

"That's just sad Sapnap. You really tried betting against Karl when it included monster, the thing he drinks almost every day?" Quackity grinned.

"Shut up, I didn't know he could chug that fast", Sapnap huffed, dragging the turtle neck away from his neck. The late summer heat was really getting to him. Sweat was running down his forehead and down his back as well. It felt like he was going into a heat stroke. "God it's so hot".

"No shit, you're wearing a turtle neck out in the Florida sun", Quackity scoffed like it was an obvious detail Sapnap must've missed.

"Hey George!" Sapnap yelled at the brunette talking with coach Bad. George turned, raising his eyebrow. Sapnap pointed at his mouth which was wide open with his tongue sticking out. "Ah".

The brunette frowned, walked towards Sapnap and pointed the bottle at his mouth before splashing a bunch of it onto Sapnap's face, causing him to close his mouth and step back.

Quackity and George immediately burst out in laughter as the man suffocated silently.

"George what the fuck!" Sapnap yelled.

"Language!" Coach Bad yelled back.

Sapnap wiped the water off his face before stomping over to George who's facial expression changed at the speed of two seconds.

"You little-". Sapnap was cut off by an all too familiar voice clearing their throat in the background. "Gogy, you're boyfriend is here to pick you up".

"Shut up Sappy, he's not my boyfriend", George blurted out, obviously flustered.

"What's going on here?" Dream questioned as he approached the three.

"George spilled fucking water in my face!". Sapnap pointed at George.

"What's with you and spilling water in people's faces?" Dream laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Quackity asked, stepping beside Sapnap.

"Nothing" Dream winked in George's direction. "Come join us for practice guys, we want to win tomorrow right?".

"Of course, let's go", Quackity nodded. All except George walked onto the field and started playing a practice game. Everyone was at their best form, the match was one of the best ones Bad had seen them do at practice. Tomorrow was going to go well, it just had to.



I'm so sorry for not updating the last days! I've been on summer vacation since Monday last week, so I haven't had much time to write, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think so far! I'll be starting on the next chapter right away <3


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