Take Me To the Moon (OT8)

Start from the beginning

It still hurt, but he'd grown a lot since that terrible day. He could do this.)

There was comfort to take into all of the things that were still the same as how he left them. Like how much Eric liked to gossip, or how Mr. Jeong still gave him a discount at the convenience store around the corner, or how the third light on the main street still stopped working every Tuesday, for some weird reason no one could figure out.

And then there were other things that did change, but not in a bad way. Like how the bus driver he'd befriended in the past had retired and it was now an unfamiliar face that greeted him every morning. How they'd changed the recipe of the hot chocolate at his favorite café, and it no longer tasted like it used to. Or how, according to Eric, seven really handsome but weird guys had just moved into their neighborhood, were all seemingly involved in some sort of polyamorous relationship and were apparently going to the same college as them.

"—and look! Over there! There's two of them!"

Eric suddenly whisper-shouting in his ear and shoving his shoulder startled Felix badly enough to make him misstep as they stopped at the corner of the street. He tripped off the sidewalk and fell smack into the street. His eyes went wide as the incoming car abruptly swerved to avoid him, and he instinctively brought his arms up in a protective manner. He was completely frozen, his heart thundering in his chest as his blood thrummed in his ears. And then, there were hands squeezing his shoulders, muffled voices piercing through the haze plaguing his mind and finally snapping him back to his senses.


"I- I'm fine," Felix whispered, slowly taking in his surroundings.

He wasn't in the street anymore, someone having seemingly pulled him right back onto the sidewalk without his notice. The car that almost hit him was already gone, the driver in too much of a hurry to stop.

And, right in front of him, there was a raven-haired man with pale, silvery eyes.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Felix blinked a few times, registering the question, then nodded mutely. Next to the man was standing another guy, this one with buff arms and flashy red hair. Numerous tattoos on his arms and his neck stood out, and his intimidating aura was probably the sole reason Eric was staying frozen to the side instead of running up to him.

"I'm o- okay. I'm okay," he finally choked out, taking in a shuddering breath. "So- sorry for the trouble. I don't- I don't really know what happened..."

The man before him smiled kindly, his hands moving from Felix's shoulders to gently cradle his face instead. Felix froze, unsure of how to react, but then the man pulled away, and Felix only then noticed the blood coating his thumbs.

"Your face got scrapped – you should go and get it treated," he simply stated, extending his hand for Felix to take.

Felix accepted it, and the man pulled him back to his feet. He swayed a bit, his legs still a little limp from the aftershock of almost dying, but he managed to keep his balance and, after offering him another smile, the man let go and returned to his friend's side. As if snapping out of a trance, Eric rushed up to him at once.

"Felix! Oh my God, are you okay!? Shit, you're bleeding! Come on, let's get you to the infirmary!"

He grabbed Felix's hand and promptly tugged him in direction of the school, not giving his friend a chance to thank the strange man for his help. As they walked away, though, he couldn't help but glance behind them, and was quite surprised to find the two staring right at him.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now