It's done

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As firefighters and my force showed up I explained who Chester really was and what this was about, "They found John and kept him in the basement but to him it was like a prison, Mildred and by her word Willam were in on the killings and sent John out to do it. But it was all for Jean who was with me, Willam wanted me to have him. But Mildred wanted her sons and well..maybe she didn't have to go this extreme. John got jealous of his mother always talking about Jean, it was always him while John had to be in the basement, so he attacked Jean. Hearing that news later Mildred got upset and that led to her death. And, if it wasn't for Jean," I put my hand on his shoulder "Then I would have an axe to the face. Sadly Mildred and John are dead. But I can say that the "Chester Case" is over." Warner stopped writing after a moment and looked at his notes "Wow really figured this whole thing out" I looked at Jean and back at Warner "I'll admit it was difficult, but if Jean wasn't with me I don't think I would figure it out before more lives were took, so really. Jean was the key to this case" I turned to him "Thank you, Jean." In the times I needed someone else, or anyone just there with me, Jean was, and damn this kid is determined. "I don't need a thanks..I just wanted to figure out why my family was nuts honestly" Jean laughed a bit nervously, though it must be a hard thing for him to witness. In a way, I think he needed to see it, know it, find the truth of it. For if what Jean really needed was closure, then he got it. "Well i'm sure you guys would love to stay around for clean up" Warner said putting his notebook in his pocket, and just hearing the words clean up I took my hand off Jean and started off to the car "Actuallyy I think it's pretty late wouldn't you say Jean?" I glanced back at him and he nodded "Yeah Mike, I think we should uh, head on home" Jean followed me and I waved my hand to Warner "Take care have fun!" I closed the door of the car and started it up, Jean put his seatbelt on and I drove down the empty road, well it was empty once we passed all the cop cars and bystanders wanting to know what happened.

"Gee that was close huh Jean?" Jean laughed a bit. "Yeah we almost got caught up in cleaning duty" I smiled and pressed the radio button with the news on it. I kept driving while listening to the case being reviewed with my name being the one to solve it. Jean put his head in his hand and looked out the window of the car. "Did we ever find out who the spy was working with them?" He asked. I thought for a moment and shrugged my shoulders "Nope, but maybe there never was, I was just trying to make connections after all" I wondered if that really was the case. "No matter, I'm sure that's something for another time. And when that happens, we'll be here." "Yeah" Jean smiled, now reassured. "Hey Jean?" Jean glanced at me "Yeah?" "I think the sun is going to be a little brighter in this town now. As long as we're here. And if you want to stick together, I have some papers at home" Jean turned his head to look at me now "Papers like.." I nodded silently with a smile, "If you wanted." Jean smiled the happiest i've ever seen "I would, I would really like that, dad" 

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