I take the job.

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Did I mention the age difference between Jean and I? Yeah he's in 11th grade, guess how old I am? If you guessed anywhere above 30 then shame on you. I'm 28 to be exact. Impressive impact I've made already as a 'detective' I know, three years ago I was a cop with my partner Dave...We were suppose to save a little girl who was a hostage.....the guys escaped with her because I wanted to try to be smart and think of a plan first. If I didn't slow them down they wouldn't. I decided to quit a year after that and turn in my badge. Being a cop wasn't for me. Now that we have that out of the way you can see why I didn't want to go back on the force after I made a fool of myself. But..maybe Jean was right to lead me back. Maybe it was time to make up for that.

I was up early that morning, 5 AM to be exact. Got coffee, gathered my thoughts and waited until 6:30 when Jean woke up for school. He looked rather surprised when he saw the toast there "What's the special occasion?" He asked as he picked up one of the pieces, "I just thought you could use actual breakfast for once, and I'm heading out to tell them my answer." Jean looked at me suspiciously but didn't question it as he sat at the counter to eat. "Oh right, it's raining outside and be careful of that one house down the street from the park, heard there was a fire" Jean nodded in understanding. "You'll be up at the same time I will?.." He finally asked. "Well I have on average 40 hours as a detective. So i'll probably have my room be a workplace and won't be here much" Jean looked disappointed but finished his breakfast and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Well thanks for breakfast" And he was gone. You might also ask, is it even legal for a 17 year old and a 28 year old to be roommates? Well yeah. But I still don't know much about him, mind you we only started talking a few days ago. After a few minutes I went out the door and was off to the police station.

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