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I had got news from Tucker that he found 'Chester' but also his hideout, this was huge. Somewhere in this town was a hideout for a killer. Only problem I had was why? What did all of those people he's killed have in common? They all had a criminal record of some kind? But Jean only had one thing and I should know, what did he have to do with this? Would the killer really break his streak by holding a grudge against me? It didn't make sense. But then I got the call, the call of death always comes at the most unpleasant times.The book writer 'William Clide' had been found dead by his wife Mildred.

Jean was out of the hospital now, with stitches and such but he was alive. I'm not sure how alive he felt though. Every room he was in he'd lock it, of course I have myself to blame for buying him those locks to make him feel safer. But he stays in the bathroom most of the time, even putting his blankets and pillow in the bathtub. He's just paranoid. If I had come back any later I would have found him dead. In a way I'm glad- Not that he got stabbed, don't get me wrong it's tragic how he's become paranoid and weak that I have to calm him down. I'm just glad the hospital had him in their care for the time being, he was safer there then he ever was here...

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