What a day

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Now, I'm not one to always go outside. But sometimes I like having a stroll or solving little things like missing animals. But Jean decided we should go out somewhere to talk. While waiting on the couch I turned on the TV and waited. When Jean came from the hallway I got up "Are you already ready?" He asked while having trouble getting on his shoes. "Yeah well you always have to be ready, anything could happen" He shrugged finally getting his other foot in the other shoe "I suppose, come on" I followed him out the door and locked it behind us, come to think of it Jean and I had never actually talked very long or let alone go outside somewhere to talk, we had just kinda acknowledged each others existence every now and then. "What'd you want to talk about anyway?" I tried not to sound cautious around him. "Well you know...just felt like one of those days something bad would happen, and I wanted to see your detective work today" He kept walking, forcing me to keep up "Something bad huh?" See I must have been a natural detective, because I get a bad feeling every time I go past somewhere, or someone says something. That's how I've always known if someone was lying, or where there might be a body, or just where a crime happened recently. We kept walking, passing a workplace 'bad feeling' A park 'Bad feeling' Another apartment complex 'Bad feeling' all these bad feelings weren't going to just mean nothing. Soon enough Jean and I got to the police headquarters and he opened the back door "Don't worry I have connections here, I figured I should let you have access so you can see the crimes and reports live, I figured it'd help y'know?" He went in not waiting for my response and I had no choice but to follow. Jean led me to the front desk and I saw a familiar face "Mike, buddy! Great to see ya!" It was an old friend named "Dave, yeah you too" Dave gave me a big bear-like hug and then looked at Jean "This your new partner or somethin?" He let out a laugh I haven't heard in years while Jean awkwardly laughed too. See, I had actually been a cop, my partner was Dave, this guy. Dave's skin tone was a lovely shade of brown, over on the big side too if you will, I guess over the years he had been assigned to the front desk now. He had always been bald which he polished with a rag every now and then for 'good luck' He wore the same light blue uniform with a purple and white striped tie. Man, it was nice to see a familiar face. "What are you guys doin here anyway?" He asked looking at Jean and back to me a few times. "Well I thought today would be a great day for Mike to accept that detective job.." Jean trailed off and Dave interrupted "Well that's a great idea! Hey, everyone has been freaking out about what's on the news lately, aside from that Chester guy all our forces have been focused on the missing people around here" That was odd...I raised an eyebrow "Missing people? The news has only been talking about the murders" Jean looked uncomfortable. "Yeah I know, it's because everyone is off trying to find the 37 people who went missing in the last month." Dave pointed to the small TV in the top right of his little space which was playing the news at all times ''New missing report of a girl named 'Violet' Last seen outside her working place before a guy, presumably her kidnapper came up to her." The footage stopped and the news reporter kept talking "The camera in the street stopped working right after and this was all we could recover, with all the murders and people who've gone missing. Is it safe to go outside at all anymore?" I hit my fist on the desk in frustration, if it's one thing that made me mad it was the news making the public scared. "Dammnit, the hell do they think they're doing scaring everyone? They should let them know they're safe and protected here" Dave shrugged "You sure you're not a news reporter? Kidding, anyhow while all our forces are focused on that we don't have many detectives to spare. It would be great if you joined our force again and took on the murders, I know you're the best of the best." Dave seemed so ready to just let me back onto the team...even after what I did...even after I quit because of it. It didn't feel right. "...Thanks Dave, But i'll think of it today and i'll let you know tomorrow" Dave looked understanding like he always did "That's fine, take your time i'm sure things will calm down after a while anyway" After saying our goodbyes I didn't want to be outside anymore so Jean and I headed home, we passed the workplace again and I recognized it this time, 'Violet's workplace' man...my bad feelings are always right. I noticed a girl running at full speed down the sidewalk too, back to the other apartments Jean and I had also passed. Shiit....everything connects one after another huh? But then, what about the park? I still had a bad feeling about that. But it didn't matter much, Jean looked so pale he almost matched the grey sky. "Are you feeling alright Jean?" He looked at me and back at the ground "Uh yeah..just the air I guess.." That was it, I ignored any sign of him being a killer and looked at him like he was a person. I stopped and grabbed the back of his shirt forcing him to stop as well, he looked at me "wh" I tilted my head near a little shop place that sold all kinds of drinks and food "Come on, I'll buy us some dinner to calm your nerves first." For the first time I actually saw a smile on his face.

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