Checking it out

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 I decided this was enough terror this 'Chester' person was going to cause so I contacted Tucker and he let me know it was ok to check it out today. I opened the door but stopped, from the side of my view I noticed Jean getting his boots on "Where're you going?" I asked him while taking my hand off the door. "With you, duh" He almost fell backwards after getting his other one on "No way are you coming with me, you got stabbed a few weeks ago. You're not going." I put on my coat and shut the door behind me. Not long after I heard it again, "Jean I told you you're not going" "I know! But I'm going anyway." I sighed "Fine, you don't touch anything, you stay by me." Jean seemed satisfied with that so he followed me. Following the directions Tucker gave me it led me to an old warehouse that looked empty. I drew my gun and Jean stayed in sight. I slowly made my way to the back of the warehouse and pushed some of the old broken stuff out of the way. What did I see? Rows, and rows, of pumpkins being grown. The warehouse door shut. "Jean?" I turned, somehow there were still lights working, but not for long. All that was left now was daylight from the ceiling. "Ok, don't move. Stay where you are!" I called over to where I thought I had left Jean. Only parts of the warehouse were dimly lit, none in which I could see Jean. "Gee detective, you care a lot about that kid huh?" It was a voice I thought I knew from somewhere, I raised my gun to the shadows, someone else was here. "Who are you?" There was no response this time. I thought Tucker said it was safe to see in the day? The lights surprisingly turned back on and Jean was still by the door. "Let's go." I knew it was a bad idea. I grabbed Jean's arm and pulled him along out of the warehouse.

At the front desk Dave listened to what I told him happened "Well Mike I don't think they'd like that you worked with a hitman for this one, let's just say you came across it and it 'could' be this Chester guy's place. They have to check it out anyway" I didn't like not telling them the full truth, but Dave knew better so I didn't argue. But, then Dave got into a whisper "Mike, man what're you doin bringing a kid with you in this stuff?" I felt kind of guilty not leaving Jean there, but I felt worse last time I left him all alone. "He wanted to come, I couldn't stop him man. No one got hurt" "You both could have. This is a serial killer for fucks sake Mike, I don't like seeing kids get dragged into stuff" I should have known better I know. "I know Dave, I know, I won't let him get involved very much." Dave was quiet for a moment then finally spoke again, "Further news I heard them discussing getting you a partner" I shivered as I heard Dave say the word 'partner' out loud, and from him. "No freaking way, I don't need a partner. I have everything I need" I tried to sound convincing but Dave simply looked past me and raised an eyebrow, I looked where he was looking and it was Jean getting in an argument with a plant because it was taller than him. "Right, Mike I think it'd be great for you to have a partner. You could both learn from each other...shoot I might even.." Dave trailed off, "You might..?" I stared at him as he shook his head "Nothin, look even if you won't like the guy try to make it work ok?" I sighed, knowing he was right. If I had a partner I'd have to let them help and probably look at stuff too. "Alright, but I certainly won't like it" Dave filed some stuff in and I took Jean home. Something was off about him today but maybe it was nothing. At least he wasn't paranoid anymore. "Hey, Jean?" I leaned on part of the wall next to the couch where Jean was "Hm?" Jean looked at me. "You know who attacked you right?" I noticed Jean immediately looked away from me back at the tv "I don't. I..heard the door and whoever it was just you know" I stared at him for a minute, though yeah you're not looking at who's trying to kill you you would at least know some details right? "Right, ok then Jean, listen, Dave doesn't think you should be involved with anything anymore" Jean looked back at me "What??" "I'm saying you're better off not messing with this stuff, it'd be safer for you, maybe look into another apartment.." Jean didn't respond and looked at the floor. "Goodnight, Jean." I left him alone and went to my room, I locked my door like I did every night, and did the same routine I did every night. 

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