He struck.

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It was a quiet night on my way back. Really quiet. I held onto the keys in my pocket and made my way up the stairs to my apartment. I noticed footprints on the carpet though. It didn't bother me as much as the door did, I put the key in the lock and turned it expecting it to click letting me know it was unlocked, but it already was unlocked. It could have just been Jean but he's an over worrier and wouldn't leave the door unlocked, not when he knows I have a key. Was it a break in? I drew my gun from my pocket and carefully made my way inside, my once nice apartment was now trashed and torn up. As if there was a struggle. "Shit.." There wasn't any light because there was glass shattered everywhere, I looked at the kitchen, it seemed fine but there was a knife missing. Bad news right there. I carefully made my way down the hall and put my hand on Jean's door. I got a bad feeling. I always get bad feelings when something is going to happen. What was it?..What was I going to see when I opened the door? I gripped the gun tighter and pushed open the door pointing it, I froze and stopped in my tracks when I saw a carved pumpkin staring back at me. I dropped the gun and ran over to him. I dropped down and took the stupid thing off Jean's head. "Jean? Hey buddy come on" I smacked his face a bit on the side to get him up. He wasn't dead. There was the knife beside his window covered in his blood. It looked like he was stabbed 1 or 2 times. But he was still alive I could tell. The kid was barely able to stay up though. He was sitting there against the bottom of his bed with blood marks leading to it, this kid had guts but unfortunately they were going to be spilled soon. I grabbed the sheet of the bed and wrapped it around his stomach before picking him up and leaving the apartment to get him to the hospital.

Jean was put in the hospital and he's going to be fine, they'll take care of it. But that would mean John knew that Jean was with me. I cleaned the living room already and had a pretty good idea of what happened, Jean probably got home from school and looked at the news since the office murder took place, he's always watching when a murder took place. But 'chester' was either after me, or Jean. Didn't matter because I wasn't there at the time. Either way they got into a fight and Jean was stabbed..I assume in his bedroom. But he's in good care now and I have to watch my back.

Of course he wasn't at school that next day, it would be a while until I would be able to see him again too. But at least now I have more of a motive to get this kid. Just need to wait on Tucker. 

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