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Pushing open the door a guy who looked like Jean stared back at me. Gun in hand I aimed it at him "John? That's John?!" The guy held an axe and looked like he hadn't been fed. "Oh my child! John! You have come to save me from death!" John didn't respond, hatred filled his gaze as he looked at her, when he spoke it was hard and deep "I haven't saved you from nothing but me.." Jean stared at his brother in disbelief. "Mildred, what's going on?!" I kept my gun trained on John. "My son returned to us long ago! After Jean left us! We've been trying so hard to get him back..oh so hard, until you came along MIke. You moved into that apartment and we knew it was trouble. We tried keeping an eye on you two...I told John who to kill and he did it! Chester was Willam's idea, not ours! We just wanted our son back...How cruel of you to take a brother and a son away from us!" I see now. But. "Why did you attack Jean in the apartment then?!" Mildred froze and her eyes widened a bit. She quickly turned her head to John in the doorway "You..attacked him?" I glared with my aim on John "Stabbed a few times.." I saw what this was. "You attacked your brother?!" Mildred started towards John "Mildred don't-" "You tried to kill your brother! I told you to target Mike! Mike! not him!" John just looked at her with his face getting more twisted with rage "You feeble child! Do you have any ide-" She couldn't finish her sentence as the axe John had was now in her throat. She choked and made a sickening noise as he pulled his axe back and blood sprayed over him. I felt I didn't have much of a choice now. John looked at me now "Do you much of a monster she was.." The house was dim now because of the setting sun "She used me to kill..she used me to get Jean back without even a room of my own. I was in that basement for the fear people would see me. All I had to eat was fucking pumpkin! And YOU did this! You took him! You caused this! Now look!" I lowered the gun a bit, it threw me off how all of this could be my fault "John we can talk about this, I can make sure you don't go to prison but you have to put down the axe" He didn't put it down. Instead he charged at Jean. I raised the gun and shot but he was already out of the way. As he passed me I grabbed John and swung him over and steered away from Jean. He crashed into a lamp and got back up with glass in his face and pure rage. "John, you don't need to kill anyone anymore!" I shouted at him but he didn't seem to be listening. He tackled me and my gun slid under the table. When reaching for it he hit the axe handle in my stomach causing a pain to make me clutch it. He sat over me now with the axe raised. "GOODBYE. DETECTIVE." He yelled and laughed. I squeezed my eyes shut but there was screaming now, things felt really hot. I opened my eyes again and John was off of me but now on fire. Jean stood off to the side with a box of matches in his hand. John was screaming and swinging the axe with no direction catching everything else on fire too. The place would collapse. "Jean! Come on!" I got up quickly and tried to get to Jean, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard the wooden roof caving in "Shit-" I backed up and covered my face with my arms while the roof came down in that spot. "Jean!" I could still see him on the other side but I wasn't getting to him "Find a way out of there i'll meet up with you!" Jean called over through the roaring of the flames. "Make it out kid!" I quickly looked to where I saw John last, now an almost motionless body covered in flames. I took to the door behind me hoping there was another door on Jean's side. I ran around the side of the burning building and slid to a stop at the back door where Jean was heavily breathing and coughing. "Jean- hey hey kid" I went to him and grabbed his shoulders getting down a bit "Kid, you did good okay? You did good, but hey you killed him..we'll figure something out okay?" Jean nodded a bit and I could tell he was trying not to cry. I pulled him into a hug for a moment and let go "Now come on this place is going down" 

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