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If you're wondering how it went well they were more than happy to accept me. A little too happy. And well I've been assigned to all murder cases. Great right? I get to look at dead bodies for a living yay. Well the first case dates back two months ago but I was assigned to more recent events. Such as a murder in the park just an hour ago. I didn't have to use my old car which was in fact not to brag but a brown ford Thunderbird (and no that does not make me old) When I arrived at the park it was swarmed with people, the news, the police, fellow investigators. Wasn't exactly an open area anymore. I walked my way over and ducked under the 'do not cross tape' "Mornin' Mike," Someone I finally recognized other than Dave. Warner was a rookie on the last year I was working as a cop, i'm actually surprised he's still here. "What's the report on this one?" I looked at the unmoving body, it was someone who was sitting on the bench with a coffee by them. It seemed like they died sitting there but one detail was the distinguished carved pumpkin head fit over the victim's head. "Well people say it's another Chester case because of the pumpkin but it looks like they died sitting there peacefully right? Well" Warner went over to the victim and pulled the pumpkin off them revealing the cold pale struggled looking face underneath. "So what was he strangled?" I examined the neck and found red bruising, my assumption was right. "There's a different method every time" Warner mumbled to himself "Hm?" "Oh no I was just saying that 'Chester's' ways of killing are all different, first was a homicide, then a shoot up, then a brutal murder, now this, strangulation" That was odd..but.. "Maybe they're trying to make it seem like it wasn't them?" That didn't make much sense "Well no, they left the pumpkin in every scene to tell us it was" "Well that could of been another murderer pinning it on 'Chester' think about it, you could kill someone, put a pumpkin on them and everyone will think it's the same killer from all the others, Mike this could be a fucking organization" what can I say? It made sense but something was telling me otherwise "Maybe..or maybe whoever it is wants us to think that so we'll be focused on looking out for a group of sorts, but enough about discussing the 'Chester' guy. Like you said it could be someone else, plus we still need to find out who "Chester" really is'' Warner unfolded a paper from his suit and read the report to me "Victim was Peter Brown, worked at the office workplace right over there, people say Peter was kind of an ass but did his job so they couldn't do much about it. So, everyone in the workplace could be a suspect. Other than that the victim died of a busted windpipe, assumingly from strangulation." "So he was sitting here before the office opened to have coffee and someone who wasn't fond of him decided to just go at it? In the middle of the park?" Warner shrugged "I'm guessing." "We can't guess here Warner this is a human life that just ended because of some grudge, he was killed an hour ago?" "What the report and vitals say '' Well then.... "Warner go see if there's any witnesses from the building around here and i'll question people in the office." Warner put the paper back in his suit and headed off to the surrounding buildings. I had to get as much information as I could from this to find out who Chester is. 

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