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It seemed I had turned my whole room into an investigation area. When you walk in there's a bed duh, but covered in things from 1987 that might have been useful but after going through them all they weren't, I never bothered to throw them away. To the left was a classic desk and lamp with all my failed notes on the case scribbled out or crumbled up, a little trash can filled up with paper and the board above it with pictures of the murders, the dates it happened, where John could be right now. It all leads to the middle who, unless I can confirm it, isn't exactly John. I moved the coffee in my cup around a bit and looked over everything, I got the basic ground point. But where do I go from here? I didn't have time to think about that before I heard Jean close the front door and slam his room door. "Uh oh" I set my cup down and went down the hall to his room, it was like you'd expect any teenager's room to look like, 'keep out' sign on the door, it never bothered me though. I knocked and opened the door "Jean?" He had his face stuffed in his pillow. "Is this some drama at school or something?" He sat up and took the pillow from his face. "No, It's not important, I'm just worried and was teased for being worried." "Worried about what?" "Nothing, leave it" "Now you have to tell me!" "Okay fine it's a girl.." "Is she pretty?" "Yeah- well NO! not- that she's not- why are you even in here-" Jean was now all red in the face, maybe I shouldn't push him too hard about that "Just wanted to see what was bothering you is all, and it's girl problems?" "Not really..there's a girl I like in my classes and she hasn't been at school for a while...And i'm just worried" "Hm...Well you know where she lives?" "No- i'm not a stalker! I don't even talk to her.." "Yikes kid." Jean raised an eyebrow "..'Yikes kid'? What are you, my weird uncle who likes to talk about drama?" "Hey I had an uncle like that, he was high all the time but it worked out" Jean laughed a bit and hugged his pillow. "You're weird detective, But you're a fun weird" I smiled even though it sounded kinda bad at first "Well glad I could be of service, see? you already forgot about the girl problem" He hit my arm with the pillow "It's not a girl problem!" I got the pillow away from him and stood up holding it above him "Give it" "Not until you do something about that issue, You know where she sits at least right?" "Well yeah I sit behind her.." "Great, all you have to do.."

I gave Jean's pillow back and left the room. If I needed information on John I needed to look in the database. I could always ask Jean but not right now, maybe when I need more personal information. But I was called about another murder before I got back to my room. In the workplace, the receptionist Rose had been found with her neck slit and a smiling jack-o-lantern on her head. 

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