My lead

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"Okay here's my lead so far. Starting from the beginning, 1987 a family picture was taken of William Clide, Mildred Clide, and their two identical twins John Clide and Jean Clide. That would mean today they would be 17 or 18. Problem with the parents is that when I say "young" I mean they were like somewhere in their 50's. Thing about that is they look to be in their 80's now. Evidence lines up at the moment right?" While talking I was pinning and connecting lines to try to make things make sense. The middle is 'who' is 'Chester 'the pumpkin eater' and why? "Now see William made a book he doesn't remember making or publishing. After people were reading the horrific book people started making assumptions about him. That he was crazy, that he was old and losing his mind. Soon the whole family was being attacked including their two sons, who may look alike but personality was so different. John planned to run away taking Jean with him, he wanted to prove their dad and family were not a laughing stock for the public. It sounded like a great plan but Jean couldn't do it when John wanted them to steal, suggestively to survive on the streets so he ran back home and told his dad everything. My lead has led me to think John Clide is actually 'Chester the killer' as to uphold an image...some kind of image for the public for making fun of his family...Something like instead of laughing, they'd be screaming. He wanted to strike fear into people so he and his family would never be laughed at again. What I'm trying to say is...your brother is kind of a jerk, Jean" As I finished my rant Jean stared at me in a sort of confused and shocked look "Shiiit...they don't call you a detective....for nothing.." I decided to humor him a little "Which brings me to my final part, some devilishly handsome investigator comes along and cracks the case" Jean laughed a bit "In your dreams about the handsome part, shave once and a while old man" "I'm 28 Mr." "Same difference" We laughed and it surprised me. It was sunny outside for the first time in a long while, we laughed like I didn't know it was possible in this gloomy town. But we laughed. Maybe things are turning around, maybe.

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