His jaw ticked as he finally reached her "Yes I did, but it was because you kept lying to me Aria" he snarled "Oh I forgot, that's not even your real name right?"

Her lips twitched slightly at his sentence as she gulped. She looked down, unable to match his intense glare as her eyes watered.

She couldn't hold on anymore.

Her small hands extended as she fisted the material of his shirt in a small fist and a sob racked through her mouth "I'm sorry" she whimpered like a hurt toddler. Her whole form trembled.

Abigor's clenched jaws loosened at her sorry state as his hands itched to pull her in a tight hug. Her small sobs kept getting louder as tears now covered her whole face.

He couldn't take it anymore; he placed his gun on his waistband before his hands slipped around her waist and tugged her small form to his body, hugging her tightly.

She hugged him back as her sobs turned into full-blown crying and she gripped the back of his shirt tightly.

"I hate this" she cried loudly while burying her face on his wide chest, wetting his once-crisp black shirt. He ran his fingers through her golden hair, the blood in his hand turning it a little crimson.

"I'm here" his deep voice muttered in her ear as his other hand ran up and down her back "I'll be there for you always no matter what"

Just these words made her cry even louder while shaking her head in the shelter of his wide chest "You'll hate me, you'll fucking hate me after this"

Abigor's hold tightened around her "Wh—"

The hasty noise of the door opening suddenly cut him off. Kahlil rushed out wearing a robe and extremely wet hair and water dripping off his body, the fact that he had ran out of the shower was quite obvious.

Tears streamed down his face as he saw Aria crying vulnerably in Abigor's hug as multiple dead bodies lay piled up beside them.

He knew this day would come, but he didn't know that it would come so soon.

"Sis!" he cried as he attempted to run towards her, but Abigor was fast enough.

Abigor slowly let a sobbing Aria go and with a clenched jaw, he stomped towards Kahlil and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him to the wall.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" he snarled at the younger boy's face in complete fury as Kahlil's face turned slightly purple due to lack of oxygen "SHE COULD HAVE DIED!"

"I-I was. . .in th-e.. shower" he struggled as Aria gasped at the sudden attack and ran towards them while wiping her tears by the back of her hands.

"Stop! Abigor please it's not his fault!" she shouted as she tried to rip Abigor's iron grip from around his neck.

He shot her a murderous glare before releasing him, Kahlil fell on the ground while coughing and breathing heavily while Aria kneeled down beside him and ran her hand on his back to comfort him.

Disgust and raw anger was the only thing Abigor was feeling right now.

The elevator dinged as Karl exited with his other men, newly called up reinforcements. The colour of his face faded when he saw Kahlil coughing on the ground.

Before Karl could approach him, Abigor snapped. "What took you so fucking long?"

"We were cleaning up the mess boss" he answered instantly as he crouched down beside Kahlil; his other men started taking care of the bodies on this floor.

"It took you an awful amount of time" he inquired suspiciously as he kicked Kahlil in the gut "and the first thing you see when you come here is this brat?"


"Abigor," Aria said calmly while standing up next to him "Stop it, that's enough". She knew the anger on her was getting directed towards others.

Abigor's nose flared as he grabbed her upper arm "You are in no position to talk little kitten" his grip was ferocious and violent, she knew it would leave a scar "You have some real explaining to do"

Giving Karl and Kahlil a last glare he dragged Aria into his apartment, slamming the door hard behind him. The interior of his apartment was comparatively darker than her's.

But she knew it wasn't the time to admire his apartment, she knew she was in real trouble right at that moment.

He slammed her on a comfortable couch as she groaned and bounced a bit on it from the impact. Her heart thumped in slight fear as he dragged a chair right in front of her, the chair facing the other side.

He sat on it, facing her, legs spread wide as he rested his hands on the headrest. His hazel eyes had darkened to an unrecognizable shade as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt all the while maintaining his glare at her.

Aria gulped as cold tears broke down. She was prepared to tell him everything just a few hours ago, but now with how angry he was at the moment made her shiver and fidget in discomfort.

At last, when he finally settled down he sighed out with the deepest, darkest voice.



Thank you so much for 100k! I love you all so much!

Thank you so much for 100k! I love you all so much!

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