"Fine. LJ told me you like spiders...." He smirked. You looked at him terrified as he oulled out a bag of spiders. He held the bag over your head and slowly turned it.

        "No!" You yelled running around  the house. Jack playfully chased after you. You bumped into Ben not seeing him standing there. (You were taller) You fell to the side of him and EJ had fallen on you by accident. Both of you guys laughed.

        "Please..." EJ whispered.

        "Fine..." You finally agreed to his kidney idea.  He sat you down at the table and quickly held out a plate with a kidney. You were about to take a bite when LJ ran and took your hand that had the fork in it.

        "Noo! ___! Come up to my room." He said not giving you a choice and dragging you into his room. EJ just sat there awkwardly eating his kidney alone. When LJ dragged you into his room he kissed you.

        "You...Jelly...." You smirked.

        "No...." He quietly said. You hugged him and reassured him that you were his. 

~~Eyeless Jack~~

        Since Jack had been goign out with Jeff drinking a lot, you didn't want to have to handle him. So you left him with Slender and started hanging out with Dr. Smiley. He likes guts, you have a boyfriend who eats them so you figured that you and Smiley would be best friends. You were hanging out with him. He was teaching you how to disect a human. Just Great. He was shwoing you what parts of the body are the most hard to take out.

        "Smiley....I'm confused...." You said. He looked at you happily. 

        "Fine... we'll continue this lesson later..."  Smiley smirked at you.

        "No she won't!" Eyeless Jack yelled taking you away from a smiling Smiley, He brought you to the gardens and hugged you.

        "Jealous Much?" You asked looking at him. He shook his head violently and looked down.

~~Ben Drowned~~ 

        You had been playing Pokemon for the past week, and Lost Silver would come over a lot to show you how to play. Ben would always watch from afar, trying not to get jealous but that didn't work today. Silver got excited and sat closer to you to show you would what to do. He would always give you money, (Or whatever they call money in Pokemon..) Ben watched slowly loosing his control to lash out on Silver. Silver had gotten a little close. (Shoulders Touched) and Ben stormed in.

        "Mine!" Ben yelled grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the room.

        "Your mine. No one elses."  Ben kissed you. You smiled and kissed back reassuring him that you were only his.

~~Lost Silver~~

        You were hanging out with this boy named Liu. (A/N: Should I Make Him A New Character? Would You Like Him Plz Comment!) Liu was acting really weird like he had two personalities. Anyway you thought it was funny how he would fight with himself. Silver would always feel excluded when you hung out with Liu, since Silver did introduce you guys. 

        "So. ____ what do you think about dating Me. No I meant Me because your hot." Liu/Sully said. You looked at him weirdly.

        "I have two personalities this is my normal one. I'm Sully! And I think we should-- please ignore him.." Lui and Sully said. Silver was sitting beside you but you or Liu never said anything to him. Silver had taken your arm and dragged you away.

        "__-___.... Y-you s-still like m-me right?" Silver stuttered. You quickly nodded.and hugged Silver.

        "I love you." 

        "I-I Love you t-too." 

~~Doctor Smiley~~

        Smiley had been busy with his 'surgeries' and totally ignored you! This got you kind of angry and you decided to make him jealous to spend time with you. So you called up your Creepy Pasta best friend Lost Silver. You actually enjoyed your time with him. You were sitting on the couch with Silver, watching random stupid movies together. You were laughing uncontrollably with him and Dr. Smiley heard you from his bedroom (upstairs) and stormed into the living room. 

        "___..... Whatcha doin?" Smiley sighed.

        "Well since your busy all the time, I wanted to relax and not be alone." You stated smirking at him. He looked at you in utter shock and grabbed your arm and brought you upstairs.

        "Sorry.... about not paying attention to you! But why Silver?!" He asked.

        "Jelly? Or Nah?" You laughed at him. He blushed and you two watched stupid movies together for the rest of the day!

                (A/N: Are My Updates Too Slow? I Feel Like I Do But Its Hard With School And Everything. I Think I'm Going To Update Every 3-4 Days. Is That Ok? I Don't Wanna Disappoint My Readers, Its Just Hard To Think Of Seven Different Scenarios, Also To Actually Make Them Somewhat Decent. BY THE WAY Thanks For 600 Views! You Have No Idea How Shocked I Am. I Never Had Thought This Story Would Come So Far. I Am So Thankful For All Of You Who Read My Story It Means A Lot. ~Krissy :D )

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