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Recap: flashback ends..

Dev breaks down crying..

Dev in mind:I misunderstood her and I didn't even believed her or atleast I didn't believed my love towards her..why didn't I thought she will betray me...?I don't deserve her..

Dev leaves the house..

Next morning,
Priya wakes up and holds her head due to headache..she sees Ayaan sleeping peacefully...she slowly gets up and makes herself a lemonoide and drinks it..

Priya recalls yesterday night...

Priya in mind:oh my god..I was drunk and the truth is when I talked with dev then iam half drunk and vent out my anger on him...where is he btw..??

Priya sees dev missing...

Priya in mind:I think I hurted him..that's why he had left..

Tears roll down from her eyes..she takes her mobile to call him..she sees Sooraj's name in call log and sees received sign..

Priya in mind:when did this idiot called and why there is duration of call..when did I answered??I will listen in sound recorder as my every call will be recorded..

She opens her recorder and listens it..she gets shocked..

Priya in mind:I think dev got to knew the truth and was in guilt..and yesterday my words that I will never return to him shown impact on him..why wouldn't I return all I want is him right..

Suddenly dev comes home....priya hurriedly runs towards him and hugs him....

Priya:iam sorry for hurting you...iam really sorry...

Dev doesn't say anything and priya releases him from hug and dev breaks down..

Dev:iam sorry priya..iam sorry..I should believe your words and trust our love...but instead what did I do..??I left you but you left everything for me...how were you for 3years priya..??you don't deserve me...I know my sorry will not make you forgive me or bring the happiness for you which you lost..but all I can do this only this..

Priya looks at his eyes and sees guilt,regret in his eyes while confessing this....!

Priya:I forgave you dev...

Dev gets shocked hearing it..

Priya:how can't I forgive you dev..I loved you and will always do...I don't hate you because I can't hate you as I love you..

Dev smiles and hugs her with happiness..

Dev:I love you too....

Priya:but i think I can't be with you dev...

Dev gets shocked hearing it and slowly releases her...

Priya:I waited for you for 3 years only in your thoughts and memories but what did you do in these 3 years..to forget me you were with every girl a day..how should I believe you still love me in the way you did before..??if I didn't come to your life again too you will be the same dev...you know what I didn't came here accidentally...as Raj's wife diya is my friend...raj told me everything about your whereabouts and everything..I decided to come here so I came here just to make you normal... nothing was accidental..

Saying this priya wipes her tears and leaves from there..dev stands there shocked..

Dev in mind:I can't lose you this time priya..I will make you believe my love towards you..

At evening,
Dev comes to priya's room and finds her sleeping...

Dev:are you okay priya..

Priya:yeah iam okay..

Dev comes towards her and holds her hand to find it hot..he gets shocked...he takes the thermometer and finds that she is having fever..

Dev:priya..you aren't fine..you are having fever..

He quickly brings water and cloth and keeps the wet cloth on her head and keeps on doing it.....he takes care of priya...

Next morning,

Priya finds weight on her stomach and sees dev fells asleep keeping his head on her stomach..she smiles.. suddenly Ayaan starts crying and dev wakes up and quickly takes him into his arms..

Priya:dev..iam okay..give me Ayaan..

Dev:no..wait..he may get fever from you as you are not fully recovered...dev makes Ayaan sleep and suddenly bell rings..

Priya:go and open the door..

Dev nods and opens the door and gets shocked...


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