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Recap:everyone starts giving their names..

Sooraj comes and looks at Priya..

Priya:do you have any doubt sooraj..??

Sooraj:Priya..i wanted you to be my project partner..

Priya looks at dev..

Priya:sorry sooraj..sir already assigned us two to do a project..

Sooraj stares at dev angrily and leaves..


Dev:what happened..what did that sooraj said..?

Priya:he wanted to work with me..but i said that i was

Working with you..so he felt bad..

Dev:it's ok leave it..come with me we can ask more details about

Project and give this list..

Next day,

Priya and dev starts working on the project in a old class room

With other members who are also doing projects but everyone are

Involved in there own work..

Priya:dev..are you sure i can do this project..?

Dev:ofcourse you are talented right..

Priya:dev tbh I only read like a nerd for just marks because

I wanted to impress my parents..i mean i dont want to disappoint

Them..talent is yours where you wanted to know more for

Knowledge not for marks..

Dev:but you can't find your talent..i can find it..you loves

To draw pictures..you are perfect in that..

Priya looks at dev in astonishment way..

Priya:how did you know..??

Dev:it's simple..i saw you drawing one time..

Priya smiles..

Priya:i don't like to say to everyone because they react in

Normal way..my family doesnt even know i draw..If they know

To they just ask me to concentrate on my studies..

Dev:why can't you show your talent..?

Priya:leave it i don't want to think about it..

Dev and priya are painting colours when Priya accidentally

Rubs her cheek with paint..dev sees and laughs..Priya looks at

Him confusingly..dev signs her but she ends up rubbing more

Paint..dev comes close to her and keeps her hair strand back

Of her ear..Priya looks nervous..he ends up applying more paint

And runs laughing..


She smiles to herself.. suddenly she sees sooraj staring her

Angrily..she looks at him confusingly..

Next day,

Dev and priya are siting beside each other..Priya was nervous

And trying her best to remember the explanation which she

Need to give explaining her project..

Priya:dev..did you prepared your explanation..?

Dev:that's simple i hate to byheart this paragraphs..better I

Will say what i know..you too try the same..

Priya:i cannot i will read this only..i was thinking about

Others..you observed yesterday everyone just took that

Opportunity as there date and now iam thinking that it will

Be glad if they don't end up giving speech about love..

Dev and priya laughs..She observes sooraj staring them..

Priya:dev..i think sooraj was still angry on me because of that

Day and i was observing from 2 days that he is staring at me..

Dev:may be yes because afterall you are his crush..

Priya:what do you mean..?iam his crush..???

Dev:don't you know half of the school has crush on you..

Better you be absent on valentine's day..

He giggles..

Priya:i didnt know and I didn't thought that a nerd like me

Will be someother's crush..but though i liked it that iam crush

Of someone..

She smiles..

Dev:so will you accept if anyone asks..?

Priya:no..i want like filmy love story..heroine is secret crush

Of hero and then hero trying to make heroine fall in love..like

This..what's the use if life doesn't consist some drama..

Saying this she leaves..dev blushes to himself..Neil comes there..

Neil:hero jii stop being secret crush and now try to impress

Her like heroine mam said..

Saying this he laughs..

Dev:stop it Neil..she is just my crush nothing more than that..

Neil:hmm..i know you are talented in hiding..

Next morning,

It was science fair and everyone stands beside there projects..

People starts to come and Priya looks nervous..

Dev:don't be nervous..it's ok if we doesn't give best in explaining..

Priya nods..

Principal stops and asks Priya to explain the project..

Priya gets nervous and doesn't speak anything..dev looks at

Her and signs her to speak..

Next part after 5votes!!

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