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Recap:Priya and dev looks at each other...

Priya:sorry.. actually there were my stuff..i still didn't organise

Our room..so it was quiet messy don't worry I will set up when

Your Mumma comes..

She looks at dev for defence..

Dev:yes..don't worry we will treat her..

Anand smiles and nods..he leaves from there..dev and

Priya sighs..

Priya:what the hell..!!now iam not gonna share room with


Dev:ok come..we can stand in middle of street without home..

I do know that you was just feeling what your husband thinks...

I know my limits and iam not gonna cross them..

Saying this he leaves from there..

Priya in mind:if i say also he doesn't believe me..

At evening

Priya packs everything and moves into Dev's room..

She sees him emptying the almirah for priya's stuff..

Priya in mind:i don't know what is happening..?i do never

Wanted to see his face..i met him and moved into his flat...

Sharing the job,house now room too..this is called destiny...

As far as i know we never destinied for each other..

Dev snaps his finger at her face and she comes into present...

Priya starts arranging them..dev takes aryan to living room and

Plays with him..

Dev in mind:i don't know i feel attached with aryan..though

He is my ex and my old enemy's son..still i got attached and i

Can't show my hatred on him..

He closes his eyes..


On that day he sees sooraj's name on priya's mobile and recalls

When Priya ditched dev for sooraj..so he throws the mobile..

Flashback ends..

Dev in mind:none will ever think that your love will be of

Your altime enemy's..


Priya was setting her clothes and sees a dairy in Dev's side

Of almirah..she sees the year and its of 7years back and recalls

The dairy..she keeps it in her side and closes the almirah..


Priya starts preparing dinner and the bell rings..

Dev opens the door and sees anand with his mom..he greets

Her and welcomes them..Priya comes there and suman

(Anand's mom)looks at her from up to bottom as she was in

Top and jeans..Priya feels uncomfortable..

Suman:is she your wife or girlfriend..???

Dev:why would be she my girlfriend..she is my wife..

Suman:then did she forgot our culture..???

Dev: actually she is very traditional and i only asked her to

Be modern as it is mumbai..thats it there is no fault of her..

Suman:ok..ok atleast ask her to wear selvar kameez and

Ask her to tie the loose hairs..

Priya glares dev feeling exhausted and leaves to change..

Anand:maa..you can't order someone to change there life


Suman:as iam here and legally it's my house so they need

To obey me..

On the other hand,

Priya closes the door and kicks a stool..

Priya:my heart says to give her my special broom stick

Treatment and not salt in coffee direct poison i will give her

In coffee..

She changes and ties her hair into a simple pony tail and

Comes out...

Suman:now see how beautiful is your wife dev..

Dev looks at her and gets lost in her..

Anand:maa...take care..thanks for help Priya and dev..

Anand leaves from there..

Suman:you two had only one child..?? i had total 11 children...

Priya in mind:what will happen to her when i say aryan

Is'nt the son of dev..

Priya slowly:we are not so kind like you to give a cricket

Team to India..

Saying this she leaves to kitchen and suman,dev stands

In shock..

At night,

Suman:good the dinner is tasty..atleast you know this..

Priya:what shall we do dadi jii..we have to eat right..so it should

Be tasty to eat..so i learnt...isn't it dev..?

Suman:Hey bhagwan..you are calling with his name..?

Should totally say you are not following traditions..and you

Dev totally behaving like henpicked husband of your wife..

Dev in mind:if i don't behave like that..she will treat me with

Her favourite broom stick..

Priya:dadi ji..why will they keep name to call only right..

When everyone calls him with his name why shouldnt i..?

Don't worry when i die then i investigate dada jii whether you

Followed all the traditions or not..

Suman gets stunned with priyas words..

Suman:you can't meet him as like you sinner will be in hell

Not in heaven..

Priya:oh no..iam pitying on you because it implies on you..

Iam thinking will you meet your husband after death now

You confirmed you can't as you will be placed in hell..

Saying this Priya leaves from there..dev chokes the water

Which he is drinking as he can't stop his laugh..suman leaves

From there angrily..

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